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Kaltura, Logging in to media space

Logging in to Illinois Media Space

How to login to Illinois Media Space

  • You will need the following information to successfully login to your Illinois Media Space Account:
  • To login to Illinois Media Space:
    • Navigate to the Illinois Media Space URL in your favorite web browser.
    • Click on either the 'My Media' tab or the 'login' link in the upper right corner of Illinois Media Space (Under the 'Illinois Login').
      • Illinois Media Space uses Shibboleth Single Sign-On, so at this point if you are already logged in you'll be taken straight to the 'My Media' tab, if not, you'll be taken to a login page.
    • At the Shibboleth login page, enter your NetID and AD Password and click 'login.'
    • After logging into Illinois Media Space, you will see your name where it previous read 'Illinois Login'. However, you will now be able to successfully access your content under 'My Media' and other various areas that require a login.
    • Don't forget to logout (using the link in the upper right corner) when you're finished using Illinois Media Space.
      Illinois Media Space supports Shibboleth Single Sign-Off

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kaltura, mediaspace, login, access, netid, ad, password, shibboleth 
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Owned by:
Alan B. in University of Illinois Technology Services
UI Gies College of Business, University of Illinois Technology Services