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Kaltura, Searching for media
searching for media in Illinois Media Space
How to search for media in Illinois Media Space
Searches in Illinois Media Space are based on many different metadata added to the video. There are many different ways to search in Illinois Media Space.
- To use the main Media Space search feature (search all media)
- At the top of every page, you can click on the 'Search' button to launch a "Search all media" entry form - enter your desired search term(s) into the 'Search all media' form and click the magnifying glass icon or press enter.
- By default, your search terms are searched across media metadata and return individual videos (Search Media).
- For other options select what you would like to search for:
- Search in Video - searches across media captions
- Search Channels (requires login) - searches across channel metadata
- Search Categories - searches across gallery metadata
- To search Media you own:
- Navigate to your 'My Media' page.
- Using the search bar next to the sort options, enter your desired search term(s) and click the magnifying glass icon or hit enter.
- To search through your Channels:
- Navigate to the 'My Channels' page.
- Change the sort option to match the type of channel you are looking for. (Channels you manage, channels you subscribe to, or channels you are a member of)
- Using the search bar next to the create channel button, enter your desired search term(s) and click the magnifying glass icon or hit enter.
You can also consult Kaltura's own documentation on the search function:
[Doc 57917 content is unavailable at this time.]