Topics Map > Communication and collaboration > Kaltura

Kaltura, Channel creation

How to create a channel

How to create a channel

    • Under your account name in the upper right corner, select ‘My Channels’ or go to the channels page.

user drop down

    • Click on the '+ Create Channel' button located towards the upper right of the page to begin creating your channel.

my channels

    • When creating a channel, you will need to enter the following information:
      This is the only required field.
      It will be prominently displayed above the channel.
      This allows you to write additional supplementary information which to the members of your channel.
      These are used when searching for your channel within Illinois Media Space.
      Open (indicated by a globe icon)
      Any authenticated user can view and contribute to the channel
      Resticted (indicated by a circle with a line through it)
      Any authenticated user can view the channel, but must be invited to add content
      Private (locked padlock icon)
      Users must be invited to view and/or to add content to the channel
      Public (unlocked padlock icon)
      Anyone can see media in a public channel, even if they cannot log into  Anyone who is logged in can post media to a public channel, so it's a good idea in most cases to enable moderation (for more information, see Kaltura, Public channels ).  
      Shared Repository (silhouettes of people)
      Permissions work the same as a private channel
      Members of a shared repository have permission to publish content from the repository to other channels or galleries in Illinois Media Space
      Enable comments in channels
      This setting allows you to control whether other users can leave comments on the channel.
      Keep comments private to channel
      This setting allows you to restrict the comments made on media in this channel to this channel.
      Moderate content
      Enabling this setting will prevent new content from appearing in the channel until it is approved by a channel manager or moderator.  
      Enable subscription to channel
      Allows users to subscribe to your channel.
      Subscribed users will recieve email notifications when new content is added to the channel.
    • Finally click 'Save'.

[Doc 57917 content is unavailable at this time.]

channel, editing, comments, my channels, settings 
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Owned by:
Alan B. in University of Illinois Technology Services
University of Illinois Technology Services