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PIE, Creation Notification, Site Naming Policy

Publish sites are self-provisioned. Users creating PIE sites must follow these naming conventions. Sites in violation of these naming conventions will be rejected, renamed, or removed.

Automated provisioning will allow a faculty, student, or staff member of campus to create a new site with an address (also known as identifier) that:

  • Does not match a current NetID other than their own
  • Does not match a current third-level domain in or
  • Is more than 8 characters long if not their own NetID
  • Follows the acceptable name guidelines
  • Only contain the characters (a-z), dashes , and numbers (0-9)

Acceptable Name Guidelines - based on third-level domain name guidelines:

  • Marketability - the identifier should be succinct and descriptive of its purpose. For example, publicaffairs, not opa
  • Intuitiveness - the identifier should be easily understood and not confused with another unit. For example, studentaffairs not vcsa
  • Supportive of brand - the identifier should not be contrary to the Illinois brand. The UIUC initialism should not be used. In general, avoid acronyms and initialisms unless they are universally recognized. For example, creativeservices not cs (which could be confused with Computer Science.)
  • Appropriateness - Language which could be considered derogatory, offensive, or misleading should be avoided.
  • Respectful of scope and role - Identifiers should reflect their position within the campus. For example, lasstudentservices instead of studentservices for Student Services in the College of LAS. Identifiers that match a third-level domain in will be approved when requested by an appropriate representative of the related organization.
Review is necessary for all other cases. Name requests which violate these guidelines will be reviewed and potentially renamed if originally allowed by the automated provisioning system. Requests for exceptions may also be submitted for review. If you have questions, please contact the p.i.e team at

publish, pie, policy, naming, sitenames, names, tickets, website, new, site, created, rules 
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