Topics Map > Communication and collaboration > (PIE)

PIE, SSL Certificates

Websites hosted on Publish are protected by SSL by default at their address and custom domains. Some custom domains require additional steps to configure SSL.

When creating a website on Publish.Illinois.Edu, your site is automatically assigned a URL of the form The default SSL certificate for the Publish server will allow your website visitors to access your site over HTTPS.

It is possible to map a Publish website to a custom domain. Publish will automatically issue SSL certificates for custom domains that meet all of these requirements:
  1. The custom domain currently points to If you visit your domain and it loads your Publish web page then it is correctly pointing to your site.
  2. You can allow for up to 24 hours for the SSL certificate to be issued. In most cases, new SSL certificates are issued daily starting at 4:00pm.
If you do not meet all of these requirements or have concerns then additional steps are required to configure SSL access for your site.
You will need your publish URL, custom domain name, and department. There is no longer a charge associated with SSL certificate requests.

  • Transfer the ticket to: UIUC-TechServices-Publish (Group)

Service Outage Reports

  • If a customer is reporting a service outage, please transfer the ticket immediately and reach out to a service admin or service owner via Skype for Business.

Consultants can use Contacts Database to contact the service admin:

ssl, publish, pie, custom-domain 
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University of Illinois Technology Services