Email, Spam Control, How to remove an email address from blocked senders list
How do I remove an email address from the blocked senders list.
To remove an email address from your blocked senders list, do the following:
Use the web interface:
After you log in to the Web Interface, follow these steps to remove senders from your personal "Blocked Senders List":
Use the Web Interface by opening a browser and point it to the following URL:
- Log in with your Campus NetID and password.
- Click Lists on the left side of the window.
- Select Blocked Senders List.
- Place a checkmark in the checkbox next to the email address you'd like to remove from the list.
- Click on the "Delete" icon at the top of the web page. The email address should now be removed from your blocked senders list.
- You can also complete this action by opening a recent daily End User Digest email in your email account's inbox, sent from: ''
- For general support please contact the Technology Services Help Desk.