SYSTEM HR - Retiree Rehire Form Instructions, Urbana Campus
Before a Retiree Rehire Form (RRF) can be completed, a Statement of SURS Annuity Statement must be completed by the prospective hire and attached to the RRF before the unit forward for approvals. This Statement form must have a current signature and date at the time the RRF request is submitted.
*Once the form is completed in the RR System and has appropriate unit/college approvals, please forward academic appointments to and civil service/extra help appointments to Two levels of approval should be attained before forwarding to IHR, generally a unit and a college approval. Academic forms will then be forwarded by IHR for final review/approval.
Section 1: Unit Contact Information
- Section 1 must be completed prior to any other sections.
Section 2: Information about the Proposed Hire
- UIN or SSN is required; only use SSN if UIN is not available. An SSN disclaimer is included in the Statement form for the proposed hire. If collecting an SSN is necessary, then do so verbally while entering into the RR system. Do not retain any paper or electronic SSN record.
- Once the SURS Highest Annual Earnings (HAE) is entered, the 40% HAE will be populated upon saving the form.
- Attach the Statement of SURS Annuity Status.
Section 3: University of Illinois Pre-Retirement Position(s)
- Please list any paid positions at the time of separation from the University of Illinois (for academic appointments, list paid positions on the Notification of Appointment at the time of separation).
Section 4: Proposed Appointment(s)
- One or multiple appointments within the same unit can be entered in Section 4 by utilizing the Add New Appt button at the bottom of Section 4 after the first job is saved.
- After populating campus, chart and a three digit organization, the six digit organization code options will populate in the dropdown (or you may enter the six digit org). The next two fields will populate once you tab out of the organization fields.
- Service Begin and End Dates should be within one SURS year (9/1 through 8/31 each year), unless the work is an FTE semester-based teaching appointment.
- If an hourly appointment is chosen, an equivalent FTE field will populate upon SAVE. The FTE should not exceed 0.50.
- When entering CFOAP information, the chart, fund and organization are required. Please remember to also populate the percentage and dollar amount (be sure the dollar amount entered in the FOAP section matches the amount entered in the appointment section). Additional CFOAPs can be added. When saved, the chart below the Funding & Labor Distribution portion will auto-complete with the recently added information, also noting if the fund(s) are exempt or not.
- Job Description and Justification can be typed in or attached (note: academic hourly appointments require a job description to be attached). Additional spaces to add attachments such as OAE email approvals, are located at the bottom of Section 4.
Section 5: Other Employment at SURS Covered Employers
- Both pending and approved appointments within the RR System and within the same SURS year as the proposed appointment in Section 4 will be populated in Section 5. If any additional employment at a SURS employer is listed on the Statement form or if the unit is aware of any other pending employment at a SURS employer, these should be added to Section 5 in as much detail as known.
Section 6: Comments and Approvals
- Once initiator completes the form, he/she will route the form to an appropriate approver at the unit/college level by entering an email address in Section 6. After two approvals are gained, forward to for academic appointments or for civil service or extra help appointments.
- Once the form is forwarded for approval, Section 6 will show a chart similar to the below and will track those who have acted on the form. The ‘Acted on By’ column shows the name of the person who is logged into the RR System when an act is chosen. The ‘Authorized By’ column is optional and is intended for use when approvers review paper copies of the forms or when a proxy is used. Once an Action is chosen by the approver/reviewer, the email of the next approver must be entered and then the submit button clicked.
Other Features:
- The home page shows all forms that a person has initiated and all forms that have been sent to that person to approve.
- The Search for Other Forms tab on the home page allows RRFs to be searched for based on one or multiple criteria.
- After a form is in Final Campus Approval Granted status, a copy feature will be available, allowing the information from the approved form to be copied into a new form. Once ‘Copy’ is clicked, the system will share the new form number and the new form will populate on the homepage. Be sure to check the boxes for Section 4 and Section 5 if you wish these sections to be copied to the new form, also.
The Rehired Retiree Progress Report should also be checked regularly to determine who may be coming close to the 40% HAE limitation. You will want to pay particular attention to the Non- Exempt SURS AY Earnings to Date column, the Non-Exempt SURS AY Earnings to Date / Highest Annual Earnings column and the Difference Approved vs. Paid column. If you are unable to access this report, your Unit Security Contact can contact AITS Security to request general access for the HR Reporting Portal.
Illinois Pension Code (40 ILCS 5/15-139.5)
Summary of Illinois Pension Code pertinent to re-employment of SURS annuitants University of Illinois Board of Trustees Policy, July 25, 2013
Statement of SURS Annuity Status