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AITS - Service Desk - System Office - Unable to Log into Windows (10 or 11) PC After Netid Password Change
This procedure explains how to solve the issue of not being able to log into your Windows (10 or 11) PC or the AITS VPN after resetting your NetID password. If you have reset your NetID password while disconnected from the local University network, your Windows password may become out of sync. To resync, you can log in while physically on campus or perform the procedure below to do a remote Network Login.
Performing a Network Login
Windows 10
- First, logout completely to get back to the main login screen
- Press the CTRL ALT DEL keys simultaneously
- Make sure there is an internet connection before proceeding
- Click on the icon of the two little computers in the bottom right; shown in the photo below:
- This will bring up a screen that lets you choose either the Chicago or Urbana AITS VPN. Once you choose one, you should see the screen below:
- Login using the following format. Username: uofi\netid (ex: uofi\kenzieh). Password: Newly set Password.
- After this is completed, the new password should sync and you should be able to login normally.
Ensure Windows has your current credentials
If you see this notification, click and follow all directions. Otherwise, your Windows password will fall out of sync with your NetID password and you will need to follow the entire procedure above.
Windows 11
- First, logout completely to get back to the main login screen
- Press the CTRL ALT DEL keys simultaneously
- Make sure there is an internet connection before proceeding
- Click on the the lock and key icon in the bottom right corner:
- Then select one of the AITS (Chicago or Urbana) VPNs in the bottom right corner:
- This will bring up the login screen for the chosen VPN:
- Log in using the following format. Username: uofi\netid (ex: uofi\kenzieh). Password: Newly set Password.
- After this is completed, the new password should sync and you should be able to log in normally.
Note: This is the recommended way to log into your machine while working over WiFi or remotely. This ensures your computer is kept up-to-date, while preventing issues like incorrect time/date and other strange behaviors.