Chrome River – Review and Approve

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to review and approve Expense Reports in Chrome River.

Those with the role of Charge Code Approver, Special Group Approver, and/or Manager Approver can review and approve Expense Reports (ER) and Pre-Trip Approvals.

  1. Select the Number of expense reports in the Approvals ribbon.
  2. Locate the expense report to approve.
  3. Select the line of the expense report.
  4. Select the Open button to review line-item details.
  5. Review the expense report details. 
    1. Manager Approver - Review Expense Details (e.g., Approved Amount)
    2. Charge Code Approver - Review Charge Codes 
    3. Special Group Approver - Review for compliance
  6. Select the Attachments to view scanned receipts.
  7. Enter information in the Comments (optional).
  8. Select Submit or Return.
    1. Submit (Approve) - all expense lines for the entire report will be approved.
    2. Return - the document will go back to the creator who can then make changes to the document (recommended).

Review and Approve, ChromeRiver, Chrome River 
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