FormBuilder - Manage Form Responses - How to Create/Edit Report
This document is meant to show FormBuilder Administrators how to create and edit reports in FormBuilder for their given unit or form group.
Reporting is a very powerful function of FormBuilder. This document is meant to illustrate how to create and edit reports for FormBuilder administrators.
To Create a New FormBuilder Report, complete the following steps.
1. From the form dashboard, navigate to Export Data in Response Data.

2. Select Create Report located on the far right in the blue bar.

3. Once in the Report Editor...
- Title the report by clicking in the Report Name field and typing the title of the report.
- Select Report Column Values items on the right (General Fields, Registration Specific Fields, Payment Specific Fields, Questions, Security Groups), and click on + sign to expand those lists and display all fields within that grouping. Once the list is expanded click on individual fields to include them in the Report Columns values on the left. In this screenshot, we expanded General Fields and would select Last Modification Date to add that field to report columns list.

- The column name to be displayed in the report can be changed. Once the field has been added to the report and now displays under the "Report Columns" on the left, change the column name by clicking in the Column Name field and typing the appropriate column name for the report.
- Once selected for inclusion in the report, column fields can be moved up and down the list, by hovering the cursor over a given field and dragging it up or down and then dropping it in the preferred location. Report fields will be displayed left to right on a report as they appear on this screen from top to bottom. This will be seen in the Preview section at the bottom of the report editor.

5. Select the report Sort Criteria below if the report is to be sorted in any order.
- Choose the report fields from Report Values on the right...expand the given list and click on the given field to have it appear in your sort values on the left.
- Once the values have been selected for inclusion on the left, the order can be changed by hovering over a field and dragging and dropping it up and down. In the example below, the report is sorted first on Last Modification Date descending, which should give most recent transactions on the top. Ascending would give oldest transactions on the top. Then, after Last Modification Date, it is subsorted by Last Name and finally by First Name.
- Make sure to click Save when changes are complete.

6. At this point, the report is created and ready to be run and can be accessed in Response Data/Export Data/Run Reports.
To Edit an existing FormBuilder Report, complete the following steps.
1. From the form dashboard, navigate to Response Data/ExportData.

2. Select Edit from the drop down menu under Actions to open the existing report editor.

3. Once inside the report Editor, you can change the report title, select/remove report fields and sort fields, change the name of the report fields, and change the order of the report and sort fields as illustrated above in the Create New Report section.
4. Click Save to save changes.