FormBuilder - Form Group Edits - How to Edit Form Group Information: Group Name/Testing Email/Contact Information

This document explains how form group information can be edited by FormBuilder Unit Administrators.

Form group information (Form Group Name, URL Group Name, Testing Email Address, Contact Information, Campus Name) is editable by any given Unit Administrators.  If you do not know your unit administrator, you can send your request to AITS ADSD TAM Office of Data Automation for processing. 

Unit Administrators are provisioned, so that they can edit the content of their form groups by selecting Edit on their Form Group.  The picture below shows an AITS Unit Administrator that has access to all of the form groups within the AITS unit.

Group list

Select edit form group from the drop down list.

group selected

Once the Unit Administrator selects Edit for a given form group, a pop up appears below that allows the Unit Administrator to edit content associated with the Form Group.

Group informaiton

Editable fields within the Pop Up are as follows.
  1. Group Name - This is the name associated with the form group.  Be aware that changing an existing form group name will alter the URL for all forms under the form group unless the URL Group Name remains unchanged.
  2. URL Group Name - This is the name associated with the form group that is included in the form URL.  It will default to be the same as Group Name, unless otherwise specified.  This should not be changed once forms have been deployed within the given form group, as it will affect all form URLs within the form group.
  3. Testing Email Address - This is the email address all outgoing form notification emails are directed to for a particular form group while a given form is in "Test" mode.
  4. Contact Information Markup Section - The information populated in this markup section will be displayed in the footer of each page of all forms under the form group.
  5. Campus Name - This is the campus the form is associated with.  This governs which campus link is displayed on the Header of each page of all forms under the form group.

Once Changes have been made, make sure to select Save Group.

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footer, campus, Unit Administrator, AITS, formbuilder, form group edits, group information 
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AITS Business Process Automation in University of Illinois System
University of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Illinois System