Payroll Time Approver Proxy Setup Instructions
Information for Unit Security Contacts (USCs)
It is important for the Unit Security Contact (USC) to request the proper security profiles and settings to enable proxy time approvers to perform the job expected of them. The relevant security profiles and associated settings for proxy time approvers include the following.
- HR Org Access.
a. One of two possible HR Org Access security profiles must be requested for the proxy approver, with appropriate settings based on the need and USC discretion, as follows.
i. Department HR Organization Level Access. This is the HR Org Access profile that is most commonly requested for proxy approvers.
1. For the proxy approver to be able to do his/her job properly, settings for this "Department HR Organization Level Access" profile must include any organizations ("orgs") the main time approver is approving that the proxy is expected to approve in the main time approver's absence.
ii. Central HR Organization Level Access. This profile is rare and might require high-level approval, with one of two possible settings:
1. "MASTER" access. This setting provides access to ALL University of Illinois campuses, therefore it is only requested in very rare cases.
2. Employee Class Access.2. Campus-wide for a specific campus. This setting is also requested only in rare circumstances.
a. One of two possible security profiles must be requested, with appropriate settings, as follows.
i. Restricted Employee Class Access.
1. Settings chosen by the USC should include a list of specific employee classes to which the time approver proxy has access.
ii. Master Employee Class Access.
1. While the USC ultimately decides the level of access, a setting of "MASTER" Employee Class Access is the most common profile for time approvers AND their proxies. Without master e-class access, access to some employee’s time sheets might be blocked if an employee’s e-class happens to fall outside the group of restricted e-classes defined for the approver/proxy, which could result in a payroll crisis for the affected org. It is advisable to check this profile and its setting for the main time approver, and mimic that for the proxy approver.
3. “Time Entry Approver Proxy” security profile. There are no specific settings required for this profile. While bringing access to the Banner pages involved with time approval, this security profile also allows the main time approver to see this person in a list and choose him/her to be designated as his/her proxy approver.
Information for the Main Time Approver
Once the above three profiles and relevant settings have been requested by the USC, and provisioned (allow 1-2 business days for provisioning of any new security access requests), then the main time approver needs to go in and establish the proxy relationship according to the instructions below.
There are two different methods the main time approver can choose between to set up one or more time approver proxies for himself/herself.
Method 1 - Via Employee Self-Service Web Time Entry
- Select “Approve Time”.
- Select “Proxy Super User”.
- Select "Add a new proxy".
- Select the individual you want to designate as your proxy from the drop-down menu.
- To conduct a search of employees, begin typing the last name of the employee and choose the employee from the list.
- If you do not see the individual’s name in the drop-down list, ask your USC to go into the Security Application to review the security profiles for the person you want to define as your proxy.
- In this case it is advisable to copy and paste the above section titled "Information for Unit Security Contacts (USCs)" and send that information to your USC, highlighting point #3.
Method 2 - Via Banner Forms
- Go to NTRPROX.
- Select GO to proceed down into the page so that your cursor is in the “Electronic Approvals” tab.
- Click on the “Other Modules” tab.
- Type in the Enterprise ID of the proxy. There can be more than one.
- Next Block into the “Proxy Modules” block. The word “TIME” should default in. It it doesn't, enter the word "TIME" in ALLCAPS.
- Press “F10” key or click the “Save” button to save your changes.
Additional Troubleshooting Support
If the main time approver or the USC encounters issues while performing any of the setup steps described above, send an e-mail to describing the issue and ask for your support request to be directed to “AITS-ESC HR Pay Security” group.
If all of the above instructions have been carefully followed by the USC and the main time approver, yet the proxy approver is still unable to approve time, see Knowledge Base article titled “Superuser, Main Approver or Proxy Cannot See and/or Approve Employee Time Sheet for Payroll” for information about how to request additional troubleshooting support.