Oracle - How do you change your Oracle database password?

Here are several methods for changing or resetting the password for an Oracle database. You will need to know the existing password.

Method 1: Using SQL*Plus (command line tool)

  1. At the command line, enter sqlplus user@database, where user is your user ID, and database is the specific database you are connecting to.
  2. Enter your current password.
  3. Once you have connected to the database, use the password command to change your database password.
SQL> password 
Changing password for <user>  
Old password: 
New password: 
Retype new password: 
Password changed 

Method 2: Using the TOAD GUI

  1. Connect to your Oracle database from within TOAD.
  2. Select Session -> Change Password

  3. Enter your old password and new password and click Execute

Method 3: Using the TOAD command line

  1. Connect to your Oracle database from within TOAD.
  2. Open a SQL Editor window
  3. Type keyword password and run.  It will pop up a password change window.

Method 4: Using SQL Developer

  1. Connect to your Oracle database from within SQL Developer.
  2. Open a SQL Editor window
  3. Type keyword password and run.  It will pop up a password change window.

KeywordsOracle resetting updating update db interactive reporting sqlplus requirements AITS ORA-28000   Doc ID85144
OwnerChristopher N.GroupUniversity of Illinois System
Created2018-08-22 16:23:45Updated2021-05-03 08:37:08
SitesUniversity of Illinois System
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