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iBuy - Splitting Accounting Codes (C-FOAPAL)

Splitting FOAPAL Codes

The following iBuy roles can split Accounting Codes (C-FOAPAL) on an iBuy order: Requestor, Department Account Coder, Approver.

Accounting Codes (C-FOAPAL) may be split at the requisition header level or line level on a multi-line requisition.

Orders with items that require a PTag and will use Equipment Account Codes

An Equipment Account code (equipment over $2,500) that starts with 127XXX or 163XXX must be applied in the Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL) at the line level for the item that requires a P-tag and the Non-Equipment Account code Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL) applied at the header level. Do not apply an additional Accounting Codes (C-FOAPAL) split on the line level that has an Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL) that uses an Equipment Account code starting with 127XXX or 163XXX applied. For more information, refer to this job aid: iBuy - Using Equipment and Non-Equipment Account Codes on the Same Requisition.

Orders that use State Fund Codes

Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL) splits cannot be applied between State Fund codes (for example, 1000YY) and any other fund codes. For more information, refer to the Fund Type Descriptions and Overview of State and Institutional Funds documents on the UAFR Reference Materials page.

Orders that contain $0.01 Line Items

If your order that requires an Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL) split contains a $0.01 line item, you must apply a line level Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL) for that $0.01 line then enter the Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL) split at header level using % of Price or the order will fail in Banner although it shows complete in iBuy.

Split Accounting Codes (C-FOAPAL) at the Requisition Header Level

When splitting an Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL) at the requisition header level, the split applies to the entire order unless otherwise noted with a different Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL) at a specific line level.

  1. After selecting Proceed to Checkout on the requisition, select Edit Accounting Codes Section (pencil icon) in the Accounting Codes section.
  2. In the Edit Accounting Codes dialog box, enter the first Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL) at the requisition header level using one of these options:
    1. Option 1: Select from Code Favoritesby hovering over the right corner of the Edit Accounting Codes dialog box and select Favorites (heart icon). For more information, refer to this job aid: iBuy - Creating and Using C-FOAPAL Code Favorites.
    2. Option 2: Search for each individual segment of the Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL), specifically Fund, Organization, Account, Program fields by selecting Search in the segment box (down arrow). Select an option previously saved under Profile Values or select search under Organization Values by entering a portion of either Value or Description. You must select the corresponding Chart value based on your location (for example, 200250-2). Use -1 for Urbana/Champaign, -2 for Chicago, -4 for Springfield, and -9 for System).
  3. To split the Accounting Codes (C-FOAPAL) at the requisition header level, hover over the right corner of the Edit Accounting Codes dialog box and select Add Split (plus sign icon) and repeat Step 2 Option 2 to apply the additional Accounting Codes.
    NOTE: You cannot select a second Code Favorite to add the additional C-FOAPAL when using Add Split.
  4. Select Validate (checkmark icon).
  5. Scroll to the right of the Edit Accounting Codes dialog box and select % of Price or % of Qty, from the drop-down menu.
    NOTE: It is recommended to use the % of Price option to avoid potential errors when importing the order into Banner.

NOTE: If your order that requires an Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL) split contains a $0.01 line item, you must apply a line level Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL) for that $0.01 line then enter the split at header level using % of Price or the order will fail in Banner although it shows complete in iBuy.

  1. Enter split values into each field, totaling 100.
  2. Select Save.

Split Accounting Codes (C-FOAPAL) at the Requisition Line Level

There must be an Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL) at the requisition header level before applying a either a single Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL) or an Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL split at the line level. An Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL) split at the line level applies only to the specific line.

NOTE: An Equipment Account code (equipment over $2,500) that starts with 127XXX or 163XXX must be applied in the Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL) at the line level for the item that requires a P-tag and the Non-Equipment Account code Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL) applied at the header level.

  1. After selecting Proceed to Checkout on the requisition, select the three dots (Line Item Actions) next to the price of the item on the specific requisition line that requires an Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL) to be applied,.
  2. Select Accounting Codes from the dropdown.
  3. In the Edit Accounting Codes dialog box, enter an Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL) at the requisition line level using one of these options:
    1. Option 1: Select from Code Favorites by hovering over the right corner of the Edit Accounting Codes dialog box and select Favorites (heart icon). For more information, refer to this job aid: iBuy - Creating and Using C-FOAPAL Code Favorites.
    2. Option 2: Search for each individual segment of the Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL), specifically Fund, Organization, Account, Program fields by selecting Search in the segment box (down arrow). Select an option previously saved under Profile Values or select search under Organization Values by entering a portion of either Value or Description. You must select the corresponding Chart value based on your location (for example, 200250-2). Use -1 for Urbana/Champaign, -2 for Chicago, -4 for Springfield, and -9 for System.
  4. Select Validate (checkmark icon).
  5. Select Save.
  6. OPTIONAL: If applying a line level Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL) split, hover over the right corner of the Edit Accounting Codes dialog box and select Add Split (plus sign icon) and repeat Step 3 Option 2 to apply the additional Accounting Codes.
    NOTE: You cannot select a second Code Favorite to add the additional C-FOAPAL when using Add Split.
  7. Select Validate (checkmark icon).
  8. Scroll to the right of the Edit Accounting Codes dialog box and select % of Price or % of Qty from the drop-down menu.
    NOTE: It is recommended to use the % of Price option to avoid potential errors when importing the order into Banner.

NOTE: If your order that requires an Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL) split contains a $0.01 line item, you must apply a line level Accounting Code (C-FOAPAL) for that $0.01 line then enter the split at header level using % of Price or the order will fail in Banner although it shows complete in iBuy.

  1. Enter split values into each field, totaling 100.
  2. Select Save.

purchasing, procurement 
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AITS iBuy Support in UI Training and Development Resources
University of Illinois Training and Development Resources