Topics Map > Paying People > Payroll & Benefits > Time Reporting

UPB - Extracting Timesheets

The department originator extracts timesheets to begin the department time entry process.

Open PHATIME in Banner

  1. Login to Banner.
  2. Type PHATIME in the Search field and press ENTER to open Electronic Approvals of Time Entry (PHATIME).

Filter the Timesheets for Extraction

Complete the following fields by typing the information or using the Search button to select from the list of options.

  1. Entry by: select Timesheet.
  2. Time Entry Method: select Department.
  3. COA: Type the timesheet COA.
  4. Organization: Type the timesheet organization code.
  5. Transaction Status: Not Started. Use the drop-down arrow to select if needed.
  6. Year: Type the year in the Year field (if necessary).
  7. Payroll ID: Type the Payroll ID BW (for bi-weekly).
  8. Payroll Number: Type the appropriate Pay Period number.
    NOTE: The current pay period must be open in order to extract timesheets and enter time information.

Extract the Timesheets

  1. Click the Go button to begin the extraction process
  2. Click the Yes button to reply to the message box, and the timesheet(s) will be extracted.
    NOTE: A form dialogue box appears with the following message: XX time record(s) processed with no errors. This extracts the timesheets, moving the transaction status of the timesheets to In Progress. If the Forms Dialogue box indicates there are errors, click the View Errors button.
  3. Click the Continue button. The timesheets have now been extracted and are ready for time entry.
    NOTE: Before you begin entering time information, check to see that the timesheets have a transaction status of In Progress.

    Keywordsphatime, timesheet, DTE, department, originator,   Doc ID120737
    OwnerLaura B.GroupUI Training and Development Resources
    Created2022-08-17 08:54:52Updated2024-04-03 10:12:26
    SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
    Feedback  0   0