Results: 1-20 of 139

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1UPB - Document Checklist for Expense Reimbursement - Foreign National Student or Non-Employee [Campus login required]1330442024-09-23115
2UPB - Benefits Overview Resources Page1298972024-09-051345
3CMS - MyBenefits Enrollment Steps1411862024-08-26744
4UPB - Repaying Payroll Overpayments – Guide for Employees1197702024-08-022597
5UPB - Workaround: Submitting Employee Recognition Award to ANA Approver1198092024-08-022116
6UPB - Editing an Employee Recognition Award Request1196932024-08-021815
7UPB - Submitting an Employee Recognition Award1198062024-08-021973
8UPB - Submitting Employee Recognition Award for Ten or More Employees1198082024-08-022048
9UPB - Consistent Dates in Honorarium Forms for Foreign Nationals [Campus login required]1198992024-08-02138
10UPB - Initiating a Current Pay Adjustment (CPA) for Bi-Weekly Hourly Non-Exempt Employees1197122024-07-082494
11UPB - Initiating a Current Pay Adjustment (CPA) for Bi-Weekly Feeder Employees1197112024-07-082380
12UPB - PARIS Security and Access1377812024-07-08352
13UPB - Requesting PARIS Current Pay Adjustment (CPA) Access: Unit Security Contact Role1382402024-07-08328
14UPB - PARIS Training, Job Aids, and Resources1378012024-07-03540
15UPB -Initiating a Current Pay Adjustment (CPA) for Academic (Monthly) Employees1197132024-07-032495
16UPB - Web Time Entry 9x Resources1337752024-06-2758895
17UPB - Entering Your Time for Part-Time Salaried-Non Exempt Employees1377842024-06-131166
18UPB - Entering Your Time for Full-Time Salaried-Non Exempt Employees1377822024-06-131423
19UPB - Document Checklist for Honoraria [Campus login required]1198982024-05-31412
20UPB - Performing Labor Redistributions1204232024-05-133473
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