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UPB - Restarting an Employee's Timesheet

A department originator may restart an employee's timesheet in order to erase all previously entered time and start over in department time entry (PHATIME).

Open PHATIME in Banner

  1. Login to Banner.
  2. Type PHATIME in the Search field and press ENTER to open Electronic Approvals of Time Entry (PHATIME).

Filter the timesheets

Complete the following fields by typing the information or using the Search button to select from the list of options.

  1. COA: Type the timesheet COA.
  2. Organization: Type the timesheet organization code.
  3. Transaction Status: In Progress. Click the drop-down arrow to select if needed.
  4. Year: Type the current year in the Year field (if necessary).
  5. Payroll ID: Type the Payroll ID BW (for bi-weekly).
  6. Payroll Number: Type the appropriate Pay Period Number.
  7. Click the Go button.
    NOTE: The first timesheet with an In Progress status will display.

Restart the Timesheet

  1. Select the employee timesheet to restart.
  2. Click Tools from the menu, then click Restart Time for Employee to restart the timesheet.
    NOTE: A dialogue box appears with the following message: Restarting a time transaction will delete the employee’s time entered. Do you want to restart this transaction?
  3. Click the Yes button on the dialogue box to restart the employee’s timesheet.
    NOTE: A dialogue box appears with the following message: Re-extracting Time Entry.
    NOTE: After the employee’s timesheet has been restarted, the Process is complete message, appears in the Auto Hint/Auto Help line at the bottom of the window. Any and all time that was entered for the employee prior to the restart of the timesheet has been deleted and will need to be re-entered.

Enter the Time

  1. Click the Next Section button to edit the employee timesheet.
  2. Type the earnings code in the Earn field.
    OR Click the Search button to select from the list of options.
  3. Type the number of hours worked for each day on the same line as the appropriate earnings code - this field is not visible on the form.
  4. Click the Save button.
    NOTE: The timesheet may be saved allowing users to return to it later to continue entering time.

Submit the Timesheet

  1. Select Submit Time for Approval from the Tools menu. This action moves the transaction status of the timesheet to Pending so the approval process can begin.
  2. To enter time for the next employee, click the Previous Section button to move to the Jobs Section and select the next employee timesheet.
  3. Click the Close button when finished.

Keywordsrestart, phatime, timesheet, employees, DTE, department, originator   Doc ID120741
OwnerLaura B.GroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2022-08-17 09:10:21Updated2024-04-04 09:12:02
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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