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Topics Map > Equipment Management

UAFR - EDDIE Fixed Asset by Organization Report

EDDIE Fixed Asset by Organization Report

The Fixed Asset by Organization Report allows units to create an inventory list by Chart and Organization codes for the following tasks:

  • Completing biennial physical inventory
  • Analyzing equipment holdings for possible transfer or replacement
  • Locating and verifying items in their custody
  • Other unit-specific uses

Please see the EDDIE User Guide (PDF) for instructions on how to login to EDDIE, save a report, and print a report.

Running the Fixed Asset by Organization Report

  1. Login to EDDIE.
  2. Select the Document tab.
  3. Select the Categories section on the left-hand side.
  4. Select the plus sign next to Corporate Categories to expand it.
  5. Select the plus sign next to Finance to expand it.
  6. Select Fixed Assets and then select UR_FIFA_Fixed_Asset_by_Org.
  7. Select the Refresh button at the top to select or enter report parameters.
  8. Select or enter all parameters before executing the query.
  9. Enter a Chart or select the appropriate Chart and select the right arrow button.
  10. Select Enter 3-digit code
    NOTE: If querying by a 3-digit Organization code, enter it, followed immediately by a percent sign (%), and then select the right arrow button. If querying by a 6-digit Organization code, enter it, followed immediately by a space, and then select the right arrow button.
  11. Select Select an Org…
    NOTE: If querying by a single 6-digit Organization code, enter it, or select it from the list of values, and then select the right arrow button. If querying by multiple 6-digit Organization codes, enter each code separated by a semicolon with no spaces, and then select the right arrow button. If querying by a 3-digit Organization code, enter it, followed immediately by a space, and then select the right arrow button.
    NOTE: All red arrows in the Prompts Summary area should become green circles with a white check mark once.
  12. Select the OK button.

Fixed Asset by Organization Report Output Field Definitions


Field Name



Chart code value that is entered to identify university or other major accounting entity: 1=Urbana, 2=Chicago, 4=Springfield, 9=System Offices.


The 3-digit and 6-digit Organization code which is used to identify unit responsible for the item.

Primary PTag

The Permanent Tag (PTag) number of the original asset. The Primary Tag field is used to associate the different subsidiary/component records of a single asset.

Permanent Tag (PTag)

The Permanent Tag (PTag) reference number is 9 digits. The first digit will be “P” if the record was created from a Banner transaction, and it will be an “L” or an “S” if the asset was converted from UFAS PAS.

Origination Tag (OTag)

The initial record in Banner Fixed Assets that originates from invoice payment using an Account code of 127XXX or 163XXX. This record is placed directly on the Banner Fixed Asset Master Table, and Banner assigns a unique Origination reference number to the record.

Capitalized/Non-Capitalized Primary Tag

Linking two records as parts of one piece of equipment where one or both are Non-Capitalized by entering the Permanent Tag (PTag) number of the Host (Parent) asset record in the Barcode Field of the Component (Child) Asset and the PTag of the Component asset entered in the Barcode Field of the Host (Parent) asset record.

Commodity Code

A standard coding structure which categorizes equipment and ensures a useful life is assigned to an asset.

Commodity Description

Long description of the Commodity code.

Asset Type

L=Land. LN=Land Not Capitalized. B=Buildings Major. BI=Buildings Minor. LI=Land Improvements/Infrastructure. ME=Moveable Equipment. CI=Collections-Inexhaustible. CE=Collections/Groups-Exhaustible. AG=Auxiliary Group Equipment. EE=Expensed Equipment. S=Software.

Asset Description

Long description of the asset.

Title To

F=Federally Owned. L=Operating Lease/Rented/Loaned. S=State. O=Other. E=Endowment Farms. P=Private/Equipment of Staff Member.


UIN and name of the person responsible for the item.

Equipment Manager

UIN and name of the person overseeing the inventory record.

Location Code

Optional segment of C-FOAPAL which identifies the building and room number.

Location Title

Long description of the Location code.

Entity Code

Code which identifies the type of income-producing activity in which the equipment is being used.

Entity Description

Title of the income-producing activity.


Manufacturer of the asset.

Serial Number-VIN

Serial Number or Vehicle Identification Number of the asset.


Model number of the asset.

Vehicle FLT/PP#

Vehicle Fleet or Physical Plant Number.

Acquisition Date

The date the asset was acquired.


The actual cost of the asset.

Total Cost

Total cost of the Original and Component assets.

Grand Total

The grand total of all assets for the Organization.

KeywordsEDDIE Fixed Asset by Organization Report   Doc ID120838
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2022-08-23 09:57:53Updated2024-02-02 11:00:07
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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