Results: 1-20 of 197

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1UAFR - Finding Your C-FOP Balance1193242025-01-152229
2UAFR - Conducting a Drill Down1201502025-01-151577
3UAFR - Downloading Data1201542025-01-151737
4UAFR - Export Dashboard Data to Excel or CSV1204392025-01-151668
5UAFR - Change Filters1204382025-01-151646
6UAFR - Financial Summary Trends Scenarios1201582025-01-151848
7UAFR - Generate a Standard Report1204412025-01-151892
8UAFR - Perform a Search1204432025-01-151776
9UAFR - Using Report Tabs1201482025-01-151949
10UAFR - Print, Save, and Export Reports in EDDIE1204372025-01-152307
11UAFR - My-UI-Financials Introductory webinar March, 20161204862025-01-151787
12UAFR - Using the Filter Menu1201462025-01-152674
13UAFR - Overview of the Financial Summary Trends Page1201452025-01-152639
14UAFR - Guide to My-UI-Financials Reports1373132025-01-151310
15UAFR - Introduction to EDDIE1474822025-01-1346
16UAFR - Introduction to Mobius View1474772025-01-1342
17iBuy - Closing a Purchase Order in iBuy (Purchasing Only)1442392025-01-02384
18UAFR - Overview of Banner Program Codes & NACUBO Functions1195182024-12-208890
19University Bursar - Entering GAR Charges and Credits with the Account Detail Form (TFADETL)1187272024-12-132686
20University Bursar - Using the Billing Mass Data Entry Page1187312024-12-132097
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