FABweb Update Existing Assets - View Multiple Assets

This article provides step-by-step instructions for using the FABweb Update Existing Assets functionality.

Purpose for Updating Existing Records

It is important to update record attributes throughout the equipment management lifecycle. Updates should be made when any information for the equipment record changes. Some common reasons for these updates are:

  • An asset in your department moves to a different location within your unit.
  • The custodian or equipment manager for an item has changed.
  • Updates submitted in FABweb are made in real-time in Banner.

Requirements for Updating Existing Records

For access to update an existing equipment record, the following is required:

  • Item must be on the Unit Rep’s list for assigned orgs.
  • Item must have a physical or virtual PTag assigned.
  • Item must not be disposed of or canceled.

In addition to this job aid, there are two other functions of the FABweb system that may be helpful to you:

Screenshot of the Multiple Assets feature

View Multiple Assets

This functionality allows the user to:

  • Make the same change to many assets.
  • Download a spreadsheet of selected assets for a Batch Upload (See the “Update Multiple Assets: Batch Upload” section for this process.)

1) Choose the Assets to Update:

  1. From the dropdown menu, select the Chart-Org to view all inventoried assets assigned to that Chart-Org.
  2. Select Load Asset List.
  3. At the top, the User will see a list of attributes which can be used to filter the assets in the selected org listed below.
    1. Filter by any open attribute to get the list of assets that fit the desired updates.
  4. At the bottom of the page of the displayed list of assets, if there are more than 100 items on inventory, multiple pages will be displayed.
Equipment List: Filtering and Asset Selection

Once a 3-digit Organization code is selected and all of the assets are displayed, then you can then filter the full list. The full list of assets will be shown in a data table.

The Select column is for selecting assets to perform a mass update.

Family assets or locked assets are not selectable. The Actions column may show a View Details button for locked assets that cannot be edited or a View/Edit Details button for all other assets.

You will be able to choose to view 25, 50, 100, or all records at once. By default, the data table is set to 100.

You may select one or more asset records for a mass update.

Data table filters include the following:

  • Sub-Org (showing 6-digit orgs)
  • Location (showing location titles)
  • Custodian (showing last name then first name)
  • Equipment Manager (showing last name then first name)
  • Condition (showing both condition code and description)
  • Manufacturer, Model
  • Serial # / VIN #
  • Description
  • In-Service Date Range

Filters may be joined together using "and."

Wildcard searching is allowed, but no wildcard characters are needed. For example, typing “TENN” in the Manufacturer filter will return results such as “TENNELEC.”

2) Select Assets to Update:

  1. Once the list is filtered for the desired assets, select what is to be updated.
    1. BULLET (indent under “B”): A lock icon means the asset is locked to another user. The asset is viewable only.
    2. BULLET: A red X means the asset is part of a family and can only be updated in the “Update Single PTag or Family” section.
      1. BULLET (indent under 5): Click on the box to the left of all assets to be updated or scroll to the very bottom to Select Assets Shown.
      2. BULLET (indent under 5): To start over, choose Clear Assets Shown for boxes checked.

3) Choose Update Method:

  1. At the bottom of the list of assets, select Mass Update Selected Assets.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page below the listed assets and their current attribute values.
  3. Under Update the following properties, fill in the attribute(s) you wish to change for ALL listed assets at the top of the page.
  4. At the bottom of the page, choose Proceed to Review Updates Made OR Clear All Updates to start over.
    1. BULLET (indent under 9): If it is discovered additional updates need to be made after selecting Proceed to Review Updates but BEFORE submitting the updates, click Go Back at the bottom of the page.
  5. The Review and confirm updates page displays the Original Values and what the Updated Values will be when submitted.
  6. If no changes need to be made, at the bottom of the page, select Submit Changes to Banner.
  7. A Success message appears if all changes are successfully submitted for processing in Banner. Once the records have completed processing, the User will receive an email with the results.
    1. BULLET (indent under 12): Do NOT submit additional changes to the same records in this update until AFTER the confirmation email is received.

KeywordsUPAR   Doc ID135049
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2024-01-26 11:23:58Updated2024-01-26 16:17:59
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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