UAFR - Print, Save, and Export Reports in EDDIE

Print, Save, and Export Reports in EDDIE

You can print, save, and export reports after you Generate a Standard Report.

Print a Report

To print from the HTML view, follow steps 1 through 4 below. To print from the PDF view, follow steps 3 and 4.

  1. Click the Print icon in the toolbar.
  2. Select the Open with option in the dialog box.
  3. Click the Print file button.
  4. Click the Print button.

Save a Copy (PDF) to Your Computer

  1. Select PDF from the Reading menu.
    1. NOTE: Depending on the report viewing preferences you've set up in EDDIE, your report will be in either HTML or PDF format; however, HTML is the default view.
    2. If you're using the Mozilla Firefox browser follow steps 2 through 4 below. If you're using Internet Explorer, skip to steps 5 and 6.
  2. Click the Download button at the top of the PDF report.
  3. Select the Save File option in the dialog box.
  4. Click the OK button.
  5. Click the Save a Copy button at the top of the PDF document.
  6. Click the Save button from the dialog box.
    NOTE: Depending on your computer's setting for downloading documents, they're usually saved in you Downloads folder.

 Save a Report to EDDIE Favorites Folder

  1. Click the Save Menu icon from the toolbar.
    1. NOTE: Depending on the report viewing preferences you've set up in EDDIE, your report will be in either HTML or PDF format; however, HTML is the default view.
    2. If your report is in PDF format, you'll need change it to HTML in or order to save it to the EDDIE Favorites Folder by selecting HTML from the Reading menu.
  2. Click the Favorites Folder in the Save As dialog box.
  3. Click the Save button.

 Export a Report to Excel

  1. Select Export Document As (to export all tabs within the report) or Export Current Report As (to export the selected tab) from the Export menu in the toolbar.
  2. Select Excel 2007 or Excel.
  3. Select Open with in the dialog box.
    NOTE: In step 3, if you instead decide to select the Save File option and click the OK button, depending on your computer's setting on where to save documents, it'll probably save the spreadsheet in your Downloads folder.

Print, Save, and Export Reports in EDDIE 
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