Zoom, How to Change Zoom Portals

How to change Zoom portals from the regular Zoom portal to the Zoom HIPAA Compliant Portal and the inverse
PLEASE NOTE: The below process is currently required for every switch between Zoom portals. You will retain all scheduled meetings when moving in/out of the PHI portal but Co-Host, Alternate Host and Scheduling Privilege functionality is only available to accounts in the same portal.  These functions are removed when migrating in/out of the PHI portal and have to be re-assigned if/when returning into the non-PHI Zoom portal.
1.    Go to your currently logged in portal, click on the top right Sign Out Icon icon and then click “SIGN OUT”

2.    To start the migration process, navigate to the desired portal and click “Sign in”

Note: The University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) has consolidated their Zoom for PHI functionality into one unified portal: uic.zoom.usIMPORTANT: you must request access to Zoom for PHI functionality at UIC before holding any Zoom meetings concerning PHI.  You can request access here. If you require more information about Zoom for PHI at UIC, please visit: hippa.uillinois.edu or by visiting: How can I use Zoom for PHI

      In the below example we are going from the regular Illinois port to the ZHC portal
ZHCP Sign In Page


3.    You will be prompted to login with the familiar Illinois login screen.
 Shibboleth Sign In Page
4.    The next window will ask you how you would like to share your account information.  Select an option for sharing, we recommend the default but if you click “Do Not Share” you will not be allowed access to the PHI Portal
Zoom Consent to Share Page

5.     A message will appear that notifies you that you are signing into a new portal, please click on “Switch to the New Account” to continue the migration.

Zoom Switch Account Page

6.    This message lets you know that you will not lose any of your current meetings or recordings and that you may not have full functionality on the new site (due to different security controls).  Please click “I Acknowledge and Switch”


Zoom Acknowledge Switch Page

7.    Zoom will send an email to the email address specified in the account to confirm the account migration.


Zoom Sent Email Page

8.    Please open the email from Zoom and select the “Switch to the new account” button.

Zoom Open Email Page 

9.    A new web page opens with a prompt to complete the migration. Click ‘I Acknowledge and Switch’.

Zoom Confirm Switch Page

11.    You will then be shown the page below.  Click "Sign in Now"
Zoom PHI sign in to portal page with button middle of page.
12.    You be signed in to the PHI portal and Sign In (in our example https://illinois-phi.zoom.us).  You will notice the Illinois ZHCP Logo logo in the top left part of the screen which lets you know exactly which portal you are now in.

13.    If you require full Zoom functionality then repeat the above instructions, instead navigating to your desired portal (URLs linked above).

Change Zoom Portals, ZHC, ZHCP, Zoom HIPAA, Zoom portal, Zoom PHI, Zoom HIPPA Compliant 
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University of Illinois System, University of Illinois Technology Services