TDX, Guidelines and Standards for Asset Management Applications

Recommended guidelines and standards for TDX at Illinois Asset Management Applications

Nomenclature for Units to follow

  • For attributes, it is recommended to adhere as closely as possible to the existing FABweb nomenclature.
    • Custom attributes that are created should be prefixed with your unit abbreviation so that it is distinguished as a custom attribute. This may not be needed while interacting in your own instance. It will be useful when interacting with other units or 3rd party tools.
    • If you are creating a new field that has a direct analog in FabWeb, try to keep it the same.
  • Name:  cvm-ptag or cvm-serialnumber (for single items in asset here are examples.)
  • Attributes are consistent for unit recommendations
  • Naming conventions on assets are suggestions
    • If computer = computer name
    • If device with name = device name
    • Other devices:
      • cvm-serialnumber
      • cvm-ptag
      • cvm-role based naming
      • cvm-room based naming
    • Name entry suggestions:

Guidelines recommendations for Units to follow

  • Admin Settings
    • Serial number, Service Tag, External ID - have 3 bullet points duplicate entries in your database
    • Do not allow Duplicate Asset Entry Mode
    • Matching fields


 This is an image of the Settings within the Asset Management Application

  • Edit Contract
    • Example Dell Year 3 warrantee = Dell 3-year premier
    • Recommend common convention used with bulk purchased computers
    • Contract number is unique (required field) and contract type is a default in TDX. Vendor list provided>pulled in>
    • Contract Type = Warranty Types


This is an image of the Edit Contract screen in the Asset Management Application 

Custom Attributes across the Units

  • Things to know
    • Can't delete statuses, but can inactivate (TDX functionality) - Junk statuses can create clutter
    • Default attributes should be used for their purpose
    • Custom attributes should be used non-default values
    • Use Notes for all custom attributes to indicate the “why”/purpose for custom attributes
      • Having it be its own field helps for export
      • Benefit because it can sit above the feed
    • Units create; not for TDX at Illinois Service Team / Global Administrators
  • Loaner Status
    • Indicates if the computer/asset is a standard computer/asset, or part of the Loaner pool that can be checked out
    • Recommended values for Loaner Statuses
      • Standard, Loaner: Checked-in, Loaner: Checked-Out
  • MAC Address
    • Recommended format is with colons, i.e. a1:b2:c3:d4:e5:e6
  • IP Address
  • Commodity Code
  • Alternate Room Number
    • Leased buildings and some offsite locations that do not have room numbers in Archibus/Banner may not available in TDX; Report alternate room numbers here
  • RAM
  • Purchase Order
  • Mersive Solstice ID


 This is an example image of the customer attribute list within the Asset Management Application

Custom Attributes not Needed - Use TDX Default Field

  • Service Tag - User TDX Service Tag field for UofI PTAG  (i.e. P10F80000)
  • Name – Use TDX name for Internal Asset Tag (i.e.  CVM-XYTL24)
  • Org Code or College Code - Might not need because this is already a default value

Defined permissions (review options blue) for each security roles

  • Asset App Manager
  • Technicians
  • View-only/report-only
  • Asset Reader - Read only access
  • Report Reader - Only login access, but can be granted access to specific reports by report owners

API Best practices for TDX Asset Management Applications

  • API access is available at an Application Administrator (App Admin) level
    • If there is a need for API access at the Global level, that request must go through the Collaborative Board for approval.
  • Service Account Password Management
    • App Admins are responsible for passwords; TDX at Illinois Service Team will not manage passwords
    • Requests must be submitted to TDX at Illinois Service Team for API Access

See Also

TDX, Getting Started With Your Asset Management Application - Recommended steps, and recommended order of those steps, for deploying the TDX Asset module.

TDX, Asset Management Application Resources - Resources specifically for the TeamDynamix (TDX) Asset Management Application.

TDX, Active TDX at Illinois Customers at UIUC - List of active UIUC customers and corresponding TDX at Illinois Ticketing, Asset Management, and U of I Main Applications.

KeywordsTDX, TeamDynamix, asset, asset management, uiuc, tdx training, Team Dynamics, TDX at Illinois   Doc ID131814
OwnerJoe B.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2023-10-01 23:00:56Updated2024-07-01 12:45:08
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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