Adobe Sign - Known Issues and Troubleshooting Tips

This document provides a list of common issues encountered while trying to access and use Adobe Sign as reported by Adobe Sign users.
These are common access issues that are reported by individual users of Adobe Sign. 
If you are having trouble with Adobe Sign functions such as sending documents or building templates, please check out the available Adobe Sign Guides and Tutorials

How do I…

Get access to Adobe Sign?

To send documents (agreements) out for signature using Adobe Sign, you must be part of an Adobe Sign group. To be added to an existing group, you must contact a group administrator. To find out whether your department has an Adobe Sign group already created and how the group administrators are, please refer to the Adobe Sign - Finding Adobe Sign Group and Administrators KB article.

Set up an external archive?

External Archives are currently only available at a Group level. Please contact the AITS Service Desk for assistance. 

Access a completed agreement from Adobe Sign older than 30 days?

After 30 days, documents are automatically deleted from Adobe Sign per the Terms of Service. This cannot be overridden, however, you have the option to set up an external archive for your agreements. In addition, unless you have manually changed your default settings, every user who signs the agreement should receive a PDF copy through email once it is completed so documents can often be retrieved by searching email. If you would like to set up an external archive for your group, please contact the AITS Service Desk. There is an emergency back-up that can be accessed once all other avenues have been exhausted.

Help, I’m unable to…

Send envelopes/create new documents

If a user is receiving the message "NOT AUTHORIZED TO SEND DOCUMENTS" or something similar, it is likely they have either not been added to an Adobe Sign group or if they have, the group administrator did not complete the provisioning process. In either case, they should first contact their Group Admin. If the group administrator is unable to resolve the issue, please contact the AITS Service Desk

Send envelopes to external/non-University of Illinois users

When entering routing address, there is one extra step when sending to users who are external to the University of Illinois System. For all external email addresses, you will need to type the email in the recipient field and then once entered, a drop-down will appear in the far right of the field. This is the "Authentication setting" and is automatically set to "Adobe Sign account". For external users, you will need to select "Email" instead. 


Log in for the first time because of a previous Adobe Sign account

With the University-wide roll out of Adobe Sign, if you have previously had an Adobe Sign account using your university-specific email address (,, or (Please Note: At this time, addresses are not supported on this platform. Please use your university-specific email), you will receive an email like the one below indicating you are no longer authorized to send documents for signature until you either “archive” your existing Adobe Sign account or change your email address used by that account from a University of Illinois specific one to a personal one.
Email sent to existing Adobe Sign users

Log in for another reason

If you are a University of Illinois System employee, you must use your university-specific email address (,, or **Please Note: At this time, addresses are not supported on this platform. Please use your university-specific email.** To ensure that your signature is validated by the university authentication service, resource accounts (e.g,, sub-domains (e.g.,, and system office addresses (e.g., should NOT be used. These may bring you to an unauthorized personal account with limited functionality. When you log in properly with your campus email address, your landing page will display the University of Illinois System logo:
Screenshot of Adobe Sign landing page with UI System Logo
Likewise, when sending documents for signature, you should be careful to use campus-specific email domains to prevent issues.
Still unable to log in? Contact the AITS Service Desk for assistance. 

Find an “Account” tab

In many of the Adobe Support help documents, they direct you to find the "Account" tab in the top navigation bar, but users report that it is not there. If you are trying to access your profile and individual settings, look for the "Enhance Your Account" tile that appears in the icon menu on the main page of your dashboard. 
If you are a group administrator and need to make changes to your group, there should be a "Group" tab on the top navigation bar that will take you to that area of the website. Please note that your group must be created by the Account Services team and individual group administrators cannot create groups. They can only add users to their existing group and edit permission levels.

Display Adobe Sign dynamic features correctly

Adblockers have been observed to interfere with some dynamic features of Adobe Sign. If you experience trouble creating signatures or using the drag-and-drop features, please turn off any Adblockers you have installed and refresh the page.

Use Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Sign together

If you are experiencing trouble in accessing Acrobat after activating a new Adobe Sign account, please contact the AITS Support Desk directly as this is often a simple permissions conflict that can be resolved by an administrator.

Help, I'm not...

Receiving notification emails

If you are not receiving notification emails from Adobe Sign and the sender has verified they sent it to the correct email address, check the Spam/Junk folder for these emails. You can also try to add to the address book or safe list. If you have exhausted all troubleshooting steps and are still not receiving emails from Adobe Sign, please contact the AITS Support Desk for further assistance.

AITS, e-signatures, electronic signature, digital signature, e-sign, issues, troubleshooting, tips 
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