Featured documents
- Campus Wi-Fi, Getting Connected (Start Here)
- Canvas@Illinois , Most common questions at the start of the semester
- Office 365, Gmail, Email, Exchange, Where do I log in?
- Zoom, Logging In
- Networking, Residence Halls, URHnet, How to contact a NetTech
- NetID Center, How do I change my NetID Password?
- Microsoft 365, Licensing and Functionality, FAQ and Information
Top documents of the week
- Technology Services Endpoint Services (EPS) Portal
- Canvas@Illinois, How to log in
- Office 365, Gmail, Email, Exchange, Where do I log in?
- Canvas@Illinois, Start Page
- Internet Explorer 9, 10, and 11 (Win) - Clearing Cache and Cookies
- Internet Explorer (Windows Phone) - Clearing Cache and Cookies
- Safari 10.0.1+ (Mac) - Clearing Cache and Cookies
- Chrome (Win) - Clearing Cache and Cookies
Most recently updated documents
- Canvas Catalog, How to invite students to enroll in seats claimed using the bulk enrollment tool
- Help Desk, Making Delicious Popcorn
- Technology Enhanced Classrooms, Gregory Hall 317
- Identity and Access Management, Bitwarden, Logging in for the first time with the Illinois Organization
- Technology Enhanced Classrooms, Gregory Hall 327
- Technology Enhanced Classrooms, Gregory Hall 223
- Technology Enhanced Classrooms, Gregory Hall 319
- Technology Enhanced Classrooms, Gregory Hall 213