PagerTec Paging System

The PagerTec paging system are hand held devices which Client Services staff can hand out to clients and then send a signal to to buzz and flash lights when it's time for them to return. The device have an up to 2 mile range and are waterproof. They are antibacterial, have a spot to place business logo stickers (or call back numbers), and should hold a charge all day. The system supports an unlimited number of pagers and if range is an issue also supports repeaters.
The PagerTec system was purchased December 2021 with 25 units, a Matrix Charging Station (Model AT305-CH) and a single PagerTec Hostess Transmitter (Model L).  The devices come with a 30-day guarantee and a 2 year warranty.  The system is plug and play with the small 12V 0.6 amp adapter going to the transmitter and the larger 12V 2.0 amp adapter going to the charging station.  

Use instructions: 
1. Remove the pager from the charging base and give to client.
2. Type in the number of the pager you wish to activate when you want them to return.
3. Press send.  (Pager will flash and vibrate for ~ 18 seconds)
4. To shut off pager put back in the charging base.


  • Support number:  1-877-593-4545
  • Support website (including manuals):
  • Email contact:
  • Additional Files and Pictures:  \\\vetmed\Depts\Admin\IT\Software_Technology\PagerTec\
The manual references a setup password, but this password does not work on our unit.  The setup menu allows the user to reassign numbers to pagers, change signal strength and frequency and so on.  It is not recommended to change to default settings.  To enter the setup and change default settings contact customer service.  

Pictures of Unit:




KeywordsPagerTec, guest paging, restaurant pagers, client   Doc ID115529
OwnerJeff F.GroupUI College of Veterinary Medicine
Created2022-01-07 09:02:42Updated2022-01-07 10:17:49
SitesUniversity of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine
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