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U of I Box, Terms of service, section 6

Does section 6 of the Terms of Service, mean that Box owns everything stored in my account?
Section 6 of the Terms of Service, states "by using the Box Service, You hereby grant Box and its contractors an irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use, copy, and publicly display Your Data for the sole purpose of providing the Box to you."

According to the U of I Chief Privacy and Security Officer: "University Counsel was extensively involved in the development of the terms of service and Box contract – as were the counsel from a number of other major Universities. The purpose of that clause was to ensure that the Box staff themselves can provide the Box service. It’s important to read the entire section in context."

In other words, this section gives Box the right to access U of I files to the extent required to act on service requests from U of I administrators and customers. ("...for the sole purpose of providing the Box Service to you") It does not mean that you are handing over ownership of your files to Box.

UofI ownership data 
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Box O. in University of Illinois Technology Services
University of Illinois Technology Services