Endpoint Services, Munki, How to Onboard a Mac to Multi-Tenant Munki

This article provides information for setting up a Mac to work with the Technology Services Munki Mac Endpoint Management system.


  • Munki Mac Endpoint Management

Affected Customers

  • University of Illinois IT Pros leveraging Technology Services Endpoint Services Munki Mac Endpoint Management

General Information

Onboarding A Mac To Multi-Tenant Munki

The act of configuring Multi-Tenant Munki (MTM) to work with a Mac is called "onboarding". These steps describe how to complete this task.

  1. Login to the MTM web portal.
  2. Click the Manage Your Computers link
    MTM portal main page.
  3. Select your repository from the dropdown (e.g., /global/UofI/UIUC/EPS) and click the Select Repository button
  4. Import the computer into the MTM using either the Add New Computer to Selected repository or the Upload CSV buttons.

    See our article on importing computers into MTM for additional information.

    Multi-tenant Munki add a computer user interface.
  5. Once you have imported the computer(s) into MTM and the time window is still active, install the Munki V5 - Combined Munki & Onboarding Config Package on the computer(s). The installer may be obtained from the MTM portal downloads page. Note: skip this step if you are using Workspace ONE to install the Munki bootstrap package during Automated Device (aka DEP) Enrollment.

  6. Navigate to the Applications folder and open the Managed Software Center application.

    Managed Software Center application user interface.
  7. Managed Software Center will automatically begin checking for available software updates.

    Once it finishes its initial check, click the UPDATE button to download and install the MTM.configure package.

    This package will close Managed Software Center once it has finished installing.

    MTM.configure Installer
  8. Reopen the Managed Software Center application. Check for updates once more.
  9. Congratulations! Your computer is now onboarded to MTM.

    You can now install any software you have made available by using the Managed Software Center application.

Contact the EPS team

Keywords"new mac" onboard EPS MTM "multi tenant" multi-tenant mac macos endpoint TechS-EPS-MTMDoc ID80737
OwnerEPS Distribution ListGroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2018-03-08 15:50:50Updated2024-04-01 18:13:43
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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