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Results: 1-20 of 29

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1HR-64 PROTECTION OF MINORS POLICY 138628University of Illinois Human Resources2024-07-30231
2Shibboleth, Federating with external vendors80927University of Illinois Technology Services2023-07-248034
3UAFR - Overview of Banner Program Codes & NACUBO Functions119518UI Training and Development Resources2024-12-208665
4Oxygen128896School of Information Sciences2024-11-141229
5Shibboleth, Authorization and Shibboleth48435University of Illinois Technology Services2024-07-2919810
6Denodo - Naming Conventions135608UI Training and Development Resources2024-07-01771
7UPB - Form W-8 [Campus login required]119909UI Training and Development Resources2024-03-29171
8Email, Safeguards for Email Containing CUI130353University of Illinois Technology Services2023-08-172860
9HR - Lists of Acceptable Documents for I-9106324School of Chemical Sciences
10SIAAB - Lesson 13: Domain IV: Managing the Internal Audit Function Principle 11: Communicate Effectively143956UI Training and Development Resources2024-12-17287
11Statements of Economic Interests142836University of Illinois Human Resources2024-10-04183
12Cloud Security, Prisma, Compliance Standards [Campus login required]127070University of Illinois Technology Services2024-09-268
13SYSTEM HR - Banner Terminology120369UI Training and Development Resources2024-09-183265
14UPAY - Banner Vendor ID and Address Query120389UI Training and Development Resources2024-09-132604
15Cybersecurity, Code Risk Discussion Questions106153University of Illinois Technology Services2024-08-143655
16SSL Certificates, Certificate Service47662University of Illinois Technology Services2024-08-1214261
17HR-24: EFFORT AND COMPENSATION ON SPONSORED PROJECTS138560University of Illinois Human Resources2024-07-31204
18Denodo - Creating/Editing Base Views137399UI Training and Development Resources2024-07-02831
19Volunteer, Job Shadowing & Educational Programs [Campus login required]127630UofI College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital2024-06-10356
20RIMS RADMan PLAN137304University of Illinois System2024-05-18690
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