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AITS - Service desk - TDX - How Do I Update an Incident Ticket in TDNext?

This document shows how to update the progress of your work in an incident ticket.

This job aid uses default terms and forms as examples to illustrate how to use specific functions and complete tasks within TDNext. Your unit’s configuration of TDNext may differ from what you see in this job aid. Consult your unit’s training materials and/or your unit administrator for questions or clarifications.  

Terms and Definitions

Incident – An ITIL term used to describe an unplanned interruption to an IT Service or a reduction in the quality of an IT Service.

Responsible Group or Individual – A TDX term used to describe the person or persons (group) responsible for proper execution for getting the job done.

Classification – A TDX term used to refer to different kinds of tickets, such as Incident, Service Request, Problem, Change, etc.

Type – A term used to refer to various ticket types that are determined and set up by the user’s unit. Types refer to specific topic areas for tickets within Categories (for example, Category would be "Communication and Collaboration," but the Type would be "Email and Calendar"). Ticket Types can also be associated with specific SLAs, Time Types, and Expense Accounts.

For more TDX terms and definitions, please refer to the Glossary.

The Update function allows you to document your progress as you work a ticket, such as updating the ticket status, changing the Responsible Group or Person, and notifying your customers about work done on a ticket. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required in the Update function.The Comment function allows you to add an note to the ticket feed. Use Update if you want to change something about the ticket. Use Comment if you want to make a note about something in the ticket.

This job aid covers:

Making General Updates to an Incident Ticket

  1. Open the ticket you want to edit by clicking on the ticket ID number or ticket Title. In this example, an Incident ticket is selected.

  2. Click the Actions button on the menu bar at the top of the ticket.

  3. Click the Update option.

    NOTE: The Update Incident window opens.  

  4. Make any necessary updates to the available fields.

  5. Click Save in the top left corner of the ticket.

Updating the Status of a Ticket

  1. Open the ticket you want to edit by clicking on the ticket ID number or ticket Title.

  2. Click the Update option.

  3. In the New Status field, click the drop-down arrow to view all status options.

  4. Click the status option for the updated ticket. In this example, On Hold is selected as the new status for this ticket.

  5. Add your comments in the Comments field.

    NOTE: The Make comments private box may be checked by default. If this box is checked, only those with access to the ticketing application (such as ticketing technicians/IT Pros) will be able to see the internal notes in the Comments field. Customers will not be able to see the Comments if this box is checked unless you send a notification to the customer/requestor as described in Step 7 of the next section. If you want to make the Comments field visible to customer within the ticket, uncheck the box next to Make comments private.  

  6. Complete any other fields as needed in the Update Incident form.

  7. Click Save in the top left corner of the ticket.

Updating a Ticket and Including a Notification to the Customer or Another Person

  1. Open the ticket you want to edit by clicking on the ticket ID number or ticket Title.

  2. Click the Actions button on the menu bar at the top of the ticket.

  3. Click the Update option.

  4. In the New Status field, click the drop-down arrow to view all status options.

  5. Click the status option to select it for the updated ticket. In this example, On Hold is selected.

  6. Add your comments in the Comments field.

  7. To make the Comments field visible to your customer in the ticket, uncheck the box next to Make comments private.

    NOTE: If a technician chooses to notify the customer/requestor, any comments that are added as part of the update are sent to the customer/requestor email address as part of the notification regardless of the selection on the Make comments private selection box. While the customer/requestor will not be able to see the ticket Feed item if they were to view the ticket, they would be able to view the comments in the email notification that is sent to them.

  8. Complete any other fields as needed in the Update Incident form.

  9. Click in the Notify field.

  10. Type or search for the name of the customer you want to receive the notification about the updated ticket.

    NOTE: To send notifications to additional people, you may use the Notify Other People field and/or the Other Email Addresses field. Any comments made during this update will be included in the notification to recipients.

  11. Click on the customer name in the drop-down list.

  12. Make any other necessary updates to the ticket fields.

  13. Click Save in the top left corner of the ticket.

Adding Internal Notes to a Ticket Using the Comments Box in the Ticket Feed

You can quickly add internal notes to a ticket directly in the Feed using the Comment button.

  1. Open the ticket you want to edit by clicking on the ticket ID number or ticket Title.

  2. Scroll down to the Feed area of the ticket.

  3. Click the Comment button on the right side.

  4. In the Comment field, type any internal notes applicable to the ticket.

    NOTE: An editable Comments box and a Notify field appear in the Feed area. To keep the internal notes visible only to those with access to the ticking application, leave the Make comments private box checked. To make the Comments field visible to your customer, uncheck this box. You may also use the notify function here to send a notification about this ticket to another person.

  5. Click the Save button.

    NOTE: The ticket window updates with your work notes listed in the ticket Feed.

Additional Resources

TDX, AITS, TeamDynamix, team dynamix, uiuc help center, “tdx training” 
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TDX C. in University of Illinois System
University of Illinois System, University of Illinois Technology Services