AITS - Service Desk - Banner Self-Service - Error: 'Invaild username/password; Logon denied.'

Provides troubleshooting steps for Invaild Username/Password Error in Banner Self-Service 9.



If you receive this error when trying to access Banner Self-Service, please take the following steps:

  • Close the browser you are using and open a fresh instance of your browser. Then try accessing self-service again by navigating to and selecting ‘Student & Faculty Self-Service’ and then selecting your campus. Enter your NETid credentials when prompted for your username and password.  

  • If restarting your browser does not resolve the issue, try clearing your browser cache and trying again. For information on how to clear your browser cache, visit the Clearing Browser Cache and Cookies article for your specific browser.Once you have cleared your browser cache try logging into Self-Service again.

  • Please turn off all extensions in your browser, restart your browser, and log into Self-Service again. For information on how to turn off your browser extensions, visit AITS - Service Desk - Browser - Disabling or Uninstalling Browser Extensions NOTE: Using Incognito mode does not turn off browser extensions, it only masks them from the current incognito session. That is not the same thing as turning off your browser extensions.

  • If you continue to run into the above error, try opening another browser and log into Self-Service.

  • If, after trying the steps above you continue to get the ‘Invalid username/password’ error, please contact the AITS Service Desk

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AITS Service Desk in University of Illinois System
University of Illinois System