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University Bursar - When are the UI-Pay Payment Plan enrollment deadlines?

Fall 2024 enrollment is now closed. All payments will be processed on the 20th of the month. If you are receiving financial aid that will fully cover your cost of college for the semester or if you plan to pay your student account in full by the due date, there is no need to enroll in the optional payment plan.

Fall 2024 Enrollment Dates for the UI-Pay Payment Plan

Dates of Enrollment Number of Payments Months of Payments
June 1 - June 19 6 June - November
June 20 - July 19 5 July - November
July 20 - August 19 4 August - November
August 20 - September 19 3 September - November
September 20 - September 28 2* October - November

*33% payment of the student account balance due at the time of enrollment is required for the 2-month plan.

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Keywordspayment, plan, university bursar, paymybill, enrollment, installment, dates, deadline, enroll, monthly, fall, spring, university bursar, Fall, Spring, fall, spring, schedule, payments, ui pay, UI Pay   Doc ID90470
OwnerKathy K.GroupUniversity of Illinois System
Created2019-03-19 14:12:07Updated2024-10-02 09:02:17
SitesUniversity of Illinois System
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