Results: 1-9 of 9

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Banner - Incorrect Email Address or Phone Number on Banner Requisition - FOMPROF358502019-06-035948
2START myResearch - What to do if I find incorrect data displayed in Kuali Coeus?845022023-08-083180
3AITS - Service Desk - iTravel - Access and Login966382024-05-076154
4Identity Management, Troubleshooting and Solutions for using Urbana Single Sign-On Pages1205372023-07-2113019
5University Bursar - How do I update my mailing address?1149092024-12-114413
6University Bursar - What happens if my refund check is sent to the wrong mailing address?1229852024-12-021858
7University Bursar - What happens if my refund is sent to the wrong bank account?1065952024-08-219588
8AITS - Service Desk - Enterprise Application - Error: 'You've successfully logged in, but something's wrong with the link...'831042024-05-1010775
9Service Desk - Banner Admin Pages - Error: 'Authentication Error!'872602024-05-085555

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