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UAFR - Overview of the Financial Summary Trends Page

Overview of the Financial Summary Trends Page

This job aid provides a high-level overview of the Financial Summary Trends page. More detailed instructions for many functions are provided in separate job aids, including Using the Filter Menu, Using Report Tabs, Downloading Data, Conducting a Drill Down, and Scenarios. Refer to the topic-specific job aids for more detailed instructions on how to use these functions.

My-UI-Financials Main Page

Overview of the Financial Summary Trends Page

To access the Financial Summary Trends page after logging into My-UI-Financials, click the Financial Summary Trends link in the menu bar at the top to open the page. The page takes time to load. Do not attempt to use any functions until the page has loaded completely. Depending on your browser settings, once the page has loaded, you may need to scroll across the page in addition to scrolling vertically to view all information.

Financial Summary Trends Landing Page

After clicking the link and allowing the page time to load, you will see a blank landing page. The callout items are described in more detail below the graphic.

Overview of the Financial Summary Trends Page

Filter Menu

Overview of the Financial Summary Trends Page

The Filter Menu provides several filter categories from which you can choose specific parameters to get a snapshot of financial information for the selected funds. Filter categories and descriptions are listed below. Selections made on the Filter Menu appear on the report

tabs. The default setting for most filters is All, which provides information for the entire University of Illinois System. It is highly recommended to make selections on multiple filters in order to obtain information specific to your unit or department. Refer to the Using the Filter Menu job aid for more detailed instructions on this topic.

NOTE: You must make a selection in the Chart, Fiscal Year and Fiscal Period fields in order to see any data appear in the report tabs.

  • Chart: This is a required field. Use this option to select Chart of Accounts (COA) code.
  • College: Use this option to select from two-character College code.
  • School: Use this option to select from three-character School code.
  • Department: Use this option to select from three-digit Department code or three-digit Org code.
  • Sub-Org: Use this option to select from six-digit Sub-Org code. Do not use this filter for the three-digit Org code. When looking at Grants, Self-Supporting, Service Plans, or Agency Funds, leave the default filter set to All, since the General Ledger balances for these will be excluded and the balances shown will not be accurate.
  • CFOP: Use this option to select from a list of CFOPs; General Ledger beginning fund balance will be represented by Chart-Fund-Fund Title breakdowns. When looking at Grants, Self-Supporting, Service Plans, or Agency Funds, leave the default filter set to All, since the General Ledger balances for these will be excluded and the balances shown will not be accurate.
  • Type of Funds: Use this option to select from types of funds, such as State, Institutional, Self-Supporting, Gift/Endowment, etc.
  • Fund Type: Use this option to select from fund types listed by the two-character Level 2 fund code, such as 1A, 2D, 3Q, etc.
  • PI: Use this option to select name of the Principal Investigator on the grant associated with the selected fund CFOP.
  • Grant: Use this option to select from a list of grant codes and names.
  • Fiscal Year: This is a required field. Use this option to select from

the current or past four fiscal years. When looking at previous fiscal years, remember that you are looking at a snapshot of the data at year end close, not based on the date you accessed the data here. This means that it may still show encumbrances that have since been resolved.

  • Fiscal Period: This is a required field. Use this option to select one or more specific fiscal periods; includes individual fiscal periods 1 through 14, plus Lapsed Period Adjustment (used to convert State Funds to Planning & Budgeting logic). Do not uncheck the GL & ENC - Keep Selected option, as this applies General Ledger and Encumbrance balances to totals.

The budget is connected to the fiscal period, therefore, if you look at a single fiscal period, it will only reflect the budget income during that single period, not the budget for that period or the fiscal year. For example, if your budget funds are disbursed into your account in August, you will only see them if you select August as the fiscal period.

Report Tabs

Overview of the Financial Summary Trends Page

The Financial Summary Trends page contains six built-in report tabs which you can use to create reports, compare financial information and view graphs based on your selections in the Filter Menu. Report tabs provide information in the categories listed below. Refer to the Using Report Tabs job aid for more detailed instructions on this topic.

  • Financial Summary Tab: Provides details on Balance Forward, Current Year Budget, Total Operating Budget, Expenditures, Current Year Gain/Loss, Unencumbered Balance, Encumbrances, and Encumbered Balance.
  • Account Type Detail Tab: Provides an additional summary breakdown from the Financial Summary tab by two-character level 2 account type code.
  • FOP Balances tab: Provides revenue/expense summary level totals by CFOP. Beginning fund balances, where appropriate, are represented by Chart-Fund-Fund Title.
  • Transactions Tab: Provides Line item revenue/expense transaction detail by document number, sequence, CFOP, and Type of Fund, including description.
  • Graphs – Budget Tab: Provides graphs of Budget by Type of Fund, Budget by Category, and Carry Forward.
  • Graphs – Expenditures Tab: Provides graphs of Budget vs. Expense, Unencumbered by Type of Fund, and Expenditure by Category.

Toolbar Icons

Overview of the Financial Summary Trends Page

  • Undo: Allows you to undo the last action.
  • Redo: Allows you to redo an action that you have just undone.
  • Revert: Removes all filters and takes you back to a blank filter slate.
  • Refresh: This function is not used because the data here is updated only periodically (weekly).
  • Pause/Resume: This function allows you to pause the loading of selected filters and prevents them from loading. To continue, you must click Resume.
  • Share: Due to permission restrictions, this function does not work. Do not use.
  • Download: Provides access to the built-in download options, including Image, PDF, PowerPoint, or Comma-Separated Values (CSV) formats. Refer to the Downloading Data from the Financial Summary Trends Page job aid for more detailed instructions on this topic.
  • Full Screen: Allows you to view the window in Full Screen mode.

Main Content Window

Results display here.

Overview of the Financial Summary Trends Page

Quick Download Tool

Overview of the Financial Summary Trends Page

The Quick Download tool is the quickest way to export a spreadsheet-compatible section of the active report tab. First, you must select filters and wait for the report tabs to load before you can use this function. Refer to the Downloading Data job aid for more detailed instructions on this topic.

  • Allows you to download a section of the active report tab, based on the drop-down menu selection.
  • Selections in the drop-down menu will vary based on the report tab that is currently being viewed.
  • Downloaded data will be a comma-separated values (.CSV) file.

Display of Selected Filters

Overview of the Financial Summary Trends Page

After selecting filters and generating a report, a summary of the filters will show at the top of the screen on the active report tab. This display may not show the full list of filters if you selected multiple filters in any category. For example, if you selected 10 CFOPs, the display for the CFOP label would list the first three CFOPs, then show “and 7 more.”

Drill Down

Overview of the Financial Summary Trends Page

You can drill down on a specific dollar amount shown on the Financial Summary tab. First, click the amount to review, then navigate to the Account Type Details, FOP Balances, or Transactions tab to drill down to the desired information. When you drill down on a specific data point, it will show up as highlighted in light blue on the Financial Summary tab. To undo a drill down, simply click back on the highlighted data point on the Financial Summary tab. Refer to the Conducting a Drill Down job aid for more detailed instructions on this topic.

Hover Information Box

Overview of the Financial Summary Trends Page

Displays details for that specific data point after mouse hovers for a few seconds. The hover info box appears on all report tabs, and details which appear in this box correspond to the active report tab.

Overview of the Financial Summary Trends Page 
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University of Illinois Training and Development Resources