Topics Map > Accounting & Budgeting > Journal Vouchers
UAFR - Creating a Journal Voucher with FGAJVCD and FGAJVCQ
Creating a Journal Voucher with FGAJVCD and FGAJVCQ
- Type FGAJVCD in the Search field and press ENTER to open Journal Voucher Entry.
OR - To open Journal Voucher Quick, type FGAJVCQ. - Click the Go button. The Transaction Date field defaults to the system date. You may enter another acceptable date.
- Press TAB to move to Document Total field. Type the absolute value of the journal voucher.
- Click Related, Document Text from the menu to access FOATEXT.
- Type a complete description of the transaction, including your name, email address, unit, and 10-digit phone number. (Click the Insert button to add
- additional lines of text.)
- Click the Save button.
- Click the Close button to return to the Journal Voucher Document Header section.
- Click the Next Section button to access the Journal Voucher Detail section.
NOTE: For steps 9-13, the Search button is available for each field. - Press TAB to move to the Journal Type field and type the rule code.
- Press TAB to move to the Fund field and type the Fund code.
- Press TAB to move to the Orgn or Organization field and type the Organization code.
- Press TAB to move to the Acct or Account field and type the Account code.
- Type the Program code in the Prog or Program field.
NOTE: Activity and Location codes are optional. - Press TAB to move to the Amount field. Type the debit or credit amount of the transaction associated with this record.
- Press TAB to move to the Debit/Credit field. Use the pulldown menu to select + Plus to debit or – Minus to credit the record.
- Press TAB to move to the Description field. Type a brief description of the journal voucher transaction.
- Press TAB to access any other relevant fields of the record and type the information. Then click Save.
- Create and complete a new record when necessary, or if you are finished, go to step 19.
- To create a new record, select Insert and follow steps 9-17.
- To duplicate the previous record, select Copy and follow steps 9-17, changing the fields as needed.
- Click the Next Section button.
- Click the Complete button to save and submit for posting.
Click the In Process button to save and complete later.
- Click the Close button to return to the main menu.