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FABweb Update Existing Assets - Update Single PTag or Family

This article provides step-by-step instructions for using the FABweb Update Existing Assets functionality.

Purpose for Updating Existing Records

It is important to update record attributes throughout the equipment management lifecycle. Updates should be made when any information for the equipment record changes. Some common reasons for these updates are:

  • An asset in your department moves to a different location within your unit.
  • The custodian or equipment manager for an item has changed.
  • Updates submitted in FABweb are made in real-time in Banner.

Requirements for Updating Existing Records

For access to update an existing equipment record, the following is required:

  • Item must be on the Unit Rep’s list for assigned orgs.
  • Item must have a physical or virtual PTag assigned.
  • Item must not be disposed of or canceled.

In addition to this job aid, there are two other functions of the FABweb system that may be helpful to you:

Screenshot of the Update Single PTag or Family feature

Update Single PTag or Family

This functionality allows a Unit Rep to select an individual record or a family of records to review and update. Any record within the Unit Reps assigned org can be accessed by providing a single PTag. The Unit Rep can view and update any single asset record and those records within a family.

  1. Enter the PTag in the PTag field.
  2. Select Find Asset.
  3. If the user enters a PTag that is not the proper format for a PTag or is missing characters, an error message will be displayed at the top of the page: “Please provide a valid PTag.”
  4. If the user enters a PTag that is not a part of their assigned orgs, an error message will display: “You do not have the correct Chart/Org permissions to view the Asset.”
  5. To look up PTags that are not part of the user’s permissions, use Asset Search in FABweb.

The following attributes are available for inventory records that are not part of a family and are in the user’s assigned orgs:

  • Chart-Org
  • Location Title
  • Custodian
  • Equipment Manager
  • Condition
  • Description
  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • Serial #/ VIN #
  • Part #/ Vehicle Tag
  • In-Service Date

Additional attributes are available under More Info including:

  • Entity
  • Family Indicator
  • Parent/Primary PTag
  • OTag
  • OTagDate
  • Barcode #
  • Commodity
  • Acquisition Doc#
  • Line/Item#
  • Invoice#
  • Amount
  • Vendor Name

If the asset is part of a family, then the associated family asset records and their details are shown, including: 

  • Family Indicator (Parent or Child)
  • Parent/Primary PTag
  • PTag
  • Description

Family assets will have values in both the Primary PTag and PTag fields. If an asset has the same value in the Primary PTag and PTag fields, that record is the parent record of the family.

Locked Assets are not editable. The Unit Rep will only be able to choose “View Details” instead of “View/Edit Details” for this type of asset.

The following fields can be updated (* indicates a required field):

  • *Location Title
  • Custodian
  • Equipment Manager
  • *Condition
  • *Description
  • *Manufacturer
  • *Model
  • *Serial # / VIN #
  • Part # / Vehicle Tag
  • In-Service Date

The Custodian and Equipment Manager fields are not initially required when a record is submitted in FABweb for the first time. However, once a value is entered, the value can only be updated and not deleted.

Once the Unit Rep updates any field, an option to “Submit Changes to Banner” or “Cancel Update” must be selected.

If the update is successful, a message will display: “Success! Your update was successfully processed.” The updated/latest fields are shown.

If the update is unsuccessful, it could be due to:

  • Locked assets
  • Web service or Banner is down: An error message will say that the system administrators are notified, please check back in 30 minutes. 

An asset becomes locked once the user starts editing or submitting the item. It becomes unlocked once the update to Banner is successful or failed.

Update Family Assets

Family assets can only be updated individually and cannot be updated in mass.

Updates to the Location, Equipment Manager, Custodian and/or Condition on a Parent asset will automatically update all the Child assets to match.

For the following fields, you may choose to only update the attribute for the parent, or for the whole family:

  • Description
  • Manufacturer
  • Modeler
  • Serial # / VIN #
  • Part # / Vehicle Tag
  • In-Service Date

If the update is successful, then a success message will display: “Success! Your update was successfully processed.”

If the update is unsuccessful, it could be due to:

  • Locked assets
  • Web service or Banner is down: An error message will say that the system administrators are notified, please check back in 30 minutes.

KeywordsUPAR   Doc ID132347
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2023-10-26 12:00:54Updated2024-02-02 10:31:18
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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