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UAFR - Introduction to Banner and Finance I

Introduction to Banner and Finance I

In this course, you will learn about Banner, the University of Illinois System's enterprise resource planning system and official system of record. You will learn how to access Banner, how to enter information into Banner, and how to query information in Banner. You will also learn about the C-FOAPAL string and gain insight into the various applications that interact directly with Banner.

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Account code, Banner, Banner job aids, Banner Navigation, Banner training, CFOAP, C-FOAP, CFOAPAL, C-FOAPAL, C-FOP, COA, FABweb, Finance, FOAP, FOAPAL, FOP, Ledger, Navigation, Onboarding, Organization, Orientation, PCard training, Procurement, Program, Purchase, Purchasing, Reports, Self-Supporting, training, TEM, Vendor Payments P-Card P-Card P-Card PCard 
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University of Illinois Training and Development Resources