University Bursar - How can I get my address on the IRS Form 1098-T corrected?

You will need to update your mailing address by following the steps below:

1 Select your campus from Self-Service 

2 Enter your Net ID and Password

3 Verify your identity

4 In the "Student Services" card, select Registration and Records

5 Click "Update Personal Information"

6 Update the information under "Address"

7 Click “Update"

8 If you need to see the changes immediately on your 1098-T Form, contact University Bursar Customer Service at to let them know that you have updated your address in Self-Service.  

Please Note: For any requested changes, your 1098-T Form will not update immediately unless you contact University Bursar Customer Service. However, any information updated before April 15 will be included in the final file transmittal to the IRS.

These websites are updated regularly so the steps may be slightly different from what is listed above.

KeywordsStudent Self-Service, University Bursar university bursar paymybill, 1098T, 1098t, tax, form, update, change, correct, address, irs, 1098-T, 1098-t   Doc ID91091
OwnerKathy K.GroupUniversity of Illinois System
Created2019-04-16 11:32:32Updated2024-08-21 15:41:21
SitesUniversity of Illinois System
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