Results: 1-20 of 30

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1ACES Managed Ubuntu Linux Research Workstations1376542024-09-251049
2Resources for GIS761572024-08-194552
3Illinois Campus Cluster access for ACES Researchers762012024-05-1732220
4Active Data Storage service - see now Research Storage as a Service (RSaaS)704172024-02-264412
5my.ACES - Add Job Description Application796782024-01-085736
6ACES Email Lists - Advanced - membership from Active Directory group [Campus login required]1055942023-11-085
7ADW - Special - Disable refresh on specific day [Campus login required]877242023-10-301
8Printer Logic1188892023-09-013965
9ADW - AD419 - new access for person1300882023-08-011126
10Qualtrics - Using a "Collaboration Code" to share a survey1276382023-05-056488
11ADW - Fed Ag Queue - new access for person909192023-03-172000
12Qualtrics: Creating an account in the UIUC site license1246212023-03-077401
13Business Data - Org codes for ACES [Campus login required]1222782022-11-032
14Webtools - API for Campus Directory Profiles810502022-10-034473
15Statements - generate statements with CFOPs across Orgs1105942022-08-262947
16PrinterLogic - First-time Setup1197802022-07-192527
17ACES Email Lists - Advanced - Hide an email list783032022-05-164382
18ACES Email Lists - Advanced - View Inactive Lists798732022-05-094478
19ACES Email Lists - Advanced - Unsubscribe link in newsletter762492022-03-105749
20Research Data: Understanding and choosing data repositories761542022-03-104691
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