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Canvas@Illinois , Students, How to Submit a Video
Students can add videos to Canvas wherever they see the text editor, such as on assignments, quizzes, and discussion board posts.
You can add a Kaltura video anywhere in Canvas where you see the text editor.
Click on the pinwheel Kaltura icon with the tool-tip "Embed Kaltura Media".

You might need to click on the three dots to expand the menu to access the Kaltura button.

This takes you to your My Media account, and you can add videos you've already uploaded, or create and upload videos right then and there.
Note to instructors: If you want students to submit videos in assignments, you will need to select the Text Entry option when setting up the Assignment.
If Kaltura is not working, you can use Canvas's built-in video service. Using the above Kaltura service is recommended, however. The following contains information about how to upload a video for an assignment submission: