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WebStore, Adobe Apps Management Removed - Permissions message


This article provides explanations and instructions for end users and IT support who cannot access the Adobe apps panel.

Who this applies to:

  • All University Enterprise Adobe Creative Cloud end users with university managed Windows or Mac Computers and IT desktop support for those customers and devices.


Permissions Error

The most common issue reported with Adobe Apps is when an end user opens their Creative Cloud desktop app or logs into their Adobe account with a browser and doesn't see any apps to download on this page.

Instead they see a message "You don't have access to manage apps. Permission from your IT administrator may be required to enable apps management" and the apps panel is blank.

An Adobe managed package was installed through a deployment or an update and resulted in this message.

This is a permissions message that is programmed to appear because the purpose of a managed package is to remove those privileges for the end user. IT support for a department decides whether to use managed or self service Adobe packages. If they have chosen to use managed Adobe packages, they expect the end user to use the Managed Software Center app to update and install their apps, (including Adobe apps), and should be communicating this to their customers. If this message is a surprise, then it means that a managed package was unintentionally installed on the computer. This can happen, for example, when a managed Acrobat update is pushed from IT services, since Acrobat updates are performed frequently.

If this message appears, do NOT contact Webstore about this issue. This is not a licensing problem or a global setting on the U of I Enterprise account.

If you need instruction on using the Software Center app to access your Adobe apps. Windows and Mac computers have different apps for managing software. These guides will show you how to use them.

End users that lose their Adobe apps permissions to update, download and install Adobe apps must contact their IT administrator for their computer (department IT support) to resolve their issue or request.

The IT administrator for the end user is responsible for and is the only one who has the account access and password to the university equipment and software they have assumed management for.

An Adobe managed package installation disables apps management and automatic updates for ALL Adobe apps on the computer.

Whenever ANY Adobe managed package is installed or updated on the computer, the end user will lose administrative access to ALL the Adobe apps installed on the computer. A managed package install flips a switch in the Creative Cloud desktop app, which manages all the Adobe apps. The last Adobe package installed or updated on the computer will determine whether all the Adobe apps will be managed or self-service.

Adobe managed packages disable automatic updates for all Adobe apps on the computer. This requires a commitment for IT to regularly update all Adobe apps instead.

Problems with Adobe apps for users who cannot manage their own Adobe apps will eventually occur if their IT administrator is not regularly updating all Adobe apps from the Software Center. IT support should be aware that they must keep ALL Adobe apps regularly updated that are installed on the end user's computer. Otherwise. the Creative Cloud desktop app will get out-of-sync with an outdated Adobe app and no longer be able to authorize its use. This results in the app not working.

Be consistent with either installing and updating managed or self service Adobe packages. If in doubt, use self service.

For IT support, it is best to decide if you are going install managed or self service Adobe apps for your end users and not mix the two. If you are not sure, WebStore recommends allowing end users to update and install their own Adobe apps because this ensures that Adobe apps will be updated regularly and keep working.

Installing Adobe Named User Self Service packages from WebStore (or EndPoint Services)  managed machines gives users who would ordinarily lack the admin permissions on their computer the ability to install Adobe apps and keep those apps up-to-date.

Self Service packages for Adobe provide automated updates and easy user access to the complete Creative Cloud Suite of Adobe products and services. Again, if your department does NOT maintain regular updates for Adobe software, WebStore HIGHLY suggests that you install the Self Service packages for Creative Cloud and Acrobat since Adobe programs will cease to work if they are not regularly updated. Installing a Self Service package will allow non-admins to update their Adobe programs, download and install the compatible app versions from Adobe directly and decreases IT overhead. It does not remove admin restrictions for other apps and services on the computer.

Self Service is only available for Named User licensing, not for Shared Device License packages. If your department gets packages from EndPoint Services, then you can request a self-service package from them as well.

WebStore Named User Self Service Package for IT Pros

Edit the OOBE/ServiceConfig file if you have permissions to edit system files on the computer and don't have access to a self service package.

If you don't have a university-issued computer, a desktop IT support admin or need an admin password to download and install apps on your machine, you can get permissions back for your Adobe apps by editing the OOB/config file on your computer.

Please note that on Windows and Macs, the OOB/config is usually hidden. 

How to find a hidden OOB/ServiceConfig file on Windows.

Open a File Explorer window and browse to the location of the path shown below. Go to the View menu and check “Hidden Items”. You will be able to view hidden files now.

How to find a hidden OOB/ServiceConfig file on a Mac.

1. Open FINDER
3. Click on MACINTOSH HD
4. Click Applications-> Library->Application Support->Adobe->OOBE->Configs
5. Under Config you will see serviceconfig.xml file

**(If the computer does not allow you to edit the file in it's original location, you can save the file to the desktop and then try overwriting it in its original location.)

The KB linked above and below gives detailed instructions with a few more picture on how to alter the ServiceConfig file on both windows and mac.

More Adobe Resources:

Keywords"You don't have access to manage apps", Adobe, "Permission from your IT administrator",   Doc ID128870
OwnerWebstore W.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2023-06-07 14:03:46Updated2024-06-03 09:38:15
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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