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Canvas@Illinois, How do I use Enhanced Gradebook Filters?

This article describes how to filter the Canvas gradebook with the Enhanced Gradebook Filter view.

Open Gradebook and Apply Gradebook Filters

  1. In your Course Navigation Menu, select the Grades link.
  2. Select the Apply Filters button and a drop down menu of options will appear.
  3. Select the filter type and make a specific filter selection. Available options include the following:
    • Sections (includes all sections in your course site)
    • Modules (includes all modules used in your course site)
    • Assignment Groups (includes all assignment groups used in your course site) 
    • Student Groups (includes all student groups in a course; please note that you can only select a single group and not the entire group set).
    • Status (includes assignments flagged as late, missing, resubmitted, dropped, or excused)
    • Submissions (includes columns with ungraded submissions, submissions, no submissions, and unposted grades)
    • Start and End Date (selecting a start and end date will display columns with due dates that occur between the selected start and end date)

Once a filter(s) is selected, a checkmark is displayed to the left of the selected filter in the menu. Additionally, a pill is displayed above the gradebook displaying the specific selected options. In the screenshot below, there are 2 filters selected: Sections (ANTH 101 AB2 Fall 2023 CRN 12346) and Modules (Week 1: Introduction to Anthropology).

Screenshot of applied gradebook filters (sections and modules) with red boxes highlighting these selections

Create/Save a New Filter

  1. With the gradebook open, select the Apply Filters Button.
  2. Select the Create & Manage Filter Presets option. A tray will open on the right side of your screen.
  3. Select the expand arrow to the left of Create Filter Preset in the tray to expand the selections.
  4. Type a name for your saved filter in the Filter preset name field.
  5. Use the drop down menus to select the specific filter options.
  6. When finished, select the Save Filter Preset button.

Once your filter is saved, you'll see it displayed under Saved Filter Presets anytime you select the Apply Filters button. In the screenshot below, you can observe the following:

  1. There is one saved filter called "Section 2 - Week 1" and it is selected.
  2. The specific criteria (Section: ANTH 101 AB2 Fall 2023 CRN 12346 and Module: Week 1: Introduction to Anthropology) are displayed in the Saved Filter Presets tray.
  3. Pills for each of the criteria in the saved filter preset display above the gradebook.

Screenshot of gradebook with Apply Filter menu open along with the Saved Filter Presets tray on the right side of the screen. Red boxes highlight each of the sections.

Important Limitation

  • Although multiple criteria can be used to create a filter, you cannot select multiple options of the same type. For example, you cannot create a single filter that displays more than one section. 

Related Resources

For additional information, see Instructure's guides about Enhanced Gradebook Filters:

canvas, gradebook, grades, filter 
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