Vetstar Appointment Scheduler - Create or Edit Existing Template
These instructions explain how to create or edit an existing calendar template.
- Type AM on the command line
- Select #1 Maintenance
- Select #16 Create/Edit Template
- Template Code: Enter the code for the template you want to edit
- Create Template: LEAVE BLANK – will edit existing Y – create new / will wipe existing out

To Add services to a template
Click on the Add Services button on the right side to bring up the Create Template/Add Services Window
Enter your Start Time and End Time
Enter the Minute Intervals
The Minute Intervals can be used to create multiple appointments. For example:
Start Time: 1200 PM, End Time: 1230 PM, Minute Intervals: 30 - This will create 2 appointments. 1 at 12 PM and 1 and 12:30 PM
Start Time: 1200 PM, End Time: 1230 PM, Minute Intervals: 10- This will create 4 appointments. 1 at 12 PM, 12 at 12:10 PM, 1 at 12:20 PM, 1 at 12:30 PM.
Days off: Select the Days you do not want this template to apply to. If you would like the service to be applied from Monday to Friday, you would select Sunday and Saturday for your Days off.
Service Assignments: <F4>, double-click, or click on the ellipses to open up the Service Assignments window:
Enter the Code for the service you want to add. You can press<F4> to bring up a search. Enter through until it brings up the Staff Assignments by Service window and then press <F3> until you get back to the Create Template / Add Services Window.
Enter Y into the OK? box and press enter.
When you have added all services, make sure you press <F3> to save all changes made to the template
To Delete time slots
You can use <F7> and then <F3> to delete a time slot within the Template
To delete multiple lines at once, go to the first time you want to delete and press <F7>. Then use the arrow keys to go to the last item you want to delete and then press <F3>
To Change the Service on a time slot
- Double click on the time or press <F4> after you have highlighted the item you want to edit
- Add the Service Code you need to for that time
- Type a Y in the time slot to show there is an appointment in this slot