Vetstar Appointment Scheduler - Remove a Time Slot
The following instructions explain how to remove a time slot from a schedule
CAUTION: Be certain you follow instructions precisely or you could remove all calendars for all sections.
- Type AM on the command line
- Select #1 Maintenance
- Select #21 Edit Calendar
- Select Edit by: TIME (you can do a whole day if you choose DATE here)
- At OK? (Y,<Cancel>): type Y
- S Select REMOVE
- Clinic: SAC
- Section: It is Very important to include the section: Enter the department 0697 for our example
- Start Date: 070220 (Enter the Date you want to remove)
- End Date: 070220
- Enter Start Time: 1130 a (Enter as whole numbers ex: 0900 or 0930 A (am) or P (pm)
- Enter End Time: 1130 a
- Press enter until the Service Assignment for: screen pops up
- F4 to open a Window
- Type e in the search and press enter.
- Be sure to select exam or surgery(major). Do NOT select Exam with code equexam unless it is for Equine.
- F3 to save
- Enter Y to save at the remaining screens to ensure you save your work.
- Check the schedule to ensure the appointment is removed. (If the steps were not followed exactly please retry.