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SANDI - Visit Information Box Overview
Visit Information Box
The visit box displays pertinent information about the patient visit. This information is populated at the time of Registration and can be edited within the Visit box on the Patient Dashboard.
- Visit # - This is the visit number assigned during registration. You can choose the proper Visit if there are multiple visits open.
- Admitted - This the date that they are admitted/registered.
- Reason - This is the reason for the patient's visit.
- Coordinator - This is the clinician overseeing the patient's direct care.
- The faculty and coordinator can be the the same.
- Sup Faculty - This is the faculty overseeing the case/coordinator.
- The faculty and coordinator can be the the same.
- Only the last Attending Clinician Faculty (ACF) entered in the Doctors list will appear as the Sup. Faculty for the visit on the Dashboard. This same ACF will be the default in charges for the visit.
- Visit rDVM - This is the referring vet for the visit.
- Note: For an explanation of how the rDVM is updated, please select this link: SANDI - Patient rDVM and Visit rDVM Overview
- The visit rDVM can be the same as the patient rDVM or maybe different depending on who is referring the patient.
- The dots beneath the name indicates that the name is longer that the field it is located in. You can hover over it and see the rest of the information.
- rDVM Phone - This is the referring vet contact number.
- Type - This is the type of visit/service seeing the patient
Coordinator and Sup Faculty assignment Overview
At registration, doctors are assigned to the patient's visit in SANDI by the customer service representatives using the information they have. When a service receives a case, the doctors must be updated in SANDI, each case minimally requires a supervising faculty and case coordinator associated with that registration. Ensuring the correct doctors related to the visit are up to date can help communication between client services and your service area and reduce call wait times. Update via the edit button within the Visit box on the Patient Dashboard.
- At least one doctor is required and one doctor must be designated as the Coordinator.
- It is best practice to ONLY specify one (1) Supervising Faculty member, otherwise be aware that ONLY the LAST Attending Clinician Faculty(ACF) member listed will display as Sup. Faculty in the Visit box on the Patient Dashboard.
- The Role defaults to the doctor role setup in SANDI. However, it can be changed by the user during registration and via the edit button
within the Visit box on the Patient Dashboard.
- When Coordinator is checked, the Visit Info box on the Patient Dashboard will list this doctor as the Coordinator.
Example 1:
- Dr. Shuster will be listed as Coordinator because the Coordinator box is checked.
- Dr Berry will be listed as Sup. Faulty because of his role of Attending Clinician Faculty.
Example 2:
- Dr. Shuster will be listed as Coordinator because the Coordinator box is checked.
- Dr. Garrett will be listed as Sup. Faulty in the Visit box on the Patient Dashboard because she is the last Attending Clinician Faculty in the list.