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SANDI - Procedure Price Calculation (Current and Non-Client) Search

Procedure Price Calculation allows the input of a procedure code the procedure price including things like tax. This can be run for an existing client, which includes discounts, or a non-client.

There are two(2) ways to access Procedure Price Calculation.

1. Via VetMed Reports & Queries: Procedure Price Calculation (Non-client only)

  • This allows Non-Client Calculation only.

2. Via the Patient Dashboard: Pricing

  • Allows both current patient and Non-Client Specific searches. You must have a Client/Patient loaded on the Dashboard.

Reports & Queries (Non-Client Only) Overview 

1. From VetMed Reports & Queries, select Procedure Price Calculation

  • Allows Non-Client Search ONLY.  You do NOT need a Patient Dashboard loaded to gain access.


2. Enter the procedure and quantity to reveal the price.

Factors that determine the generic procedure price calculation:

This calculation is intended for non patient specific pricing and will include all possible fees, taxes and exclude all discounts.  This calculation will likely be higher that the actual patient cost based on the a fore mentions factors.  Use the Patient Dashboard for all patient specific pricing calculation needs.

Important Note: Fees, taxes and discounts may vary based on actual visit type and client taxation status used when adding charges.

  • Discounts: The procedure will be priced without any discounts for non-client specific calculations.
  • Taxes and Fees: The procedure will include all possible taxes and fees.

Patient Dashboard Current Client Procedure Price Calculation Overview


  1. From the Patient Dashboard, select Pricing from the tab menu.
  2. Select Current Patient.
  3. Enter the procedure code or lookup by name.
  4. Select the Visit Type.
  5. Enter the Quantity and the price calculation will display:

Important Note: Fees, taxes and discounts may vary based on actual visit type and client taxation status used when adding charges.

  • Discounts: The procedure will be priced to include discounts based on the client account type. For full policy, refer to the Professional Discount Policy on the VTH Intranet. Some examples:
    • Employee and Non-employee Affiliates Groups: 20% discount on all allowable VTH services based upon costs published in the current fee schedule. 
    • Service Animals (emotional support animals not included): 50% discount on all allowable VTH services based upon costs published in the current fee. A 20% discount will be given to allowable VTH pharmacy, diagnostic and referral lab charges. 
    • The procedure itself must be setup to allow discounts.  If a procedure does not allow discounts, there will not be a discount applied in the price calculation.  
    • Taxes and Fees: The procedure will be priced based on the Visit Type chosen.
      • Actual taxes and fees will be based upon visit type used when adding charges to the client account. (Typically items going home with the patient are taxable. Some exclusions apply)


Patient Dashboard Non-Client Procedure Price Calculation Overview 

  1. From the Patient Dashboard, select Pricing from the tab menu. 
  2. Select Non-Client Specific.
  3. Enter the procedure code or lookup by name.
  4. Select the Visit Type
  5. Enter the Quantity and the price calculation will display:

Important Note: Fees, taxes and discounts may vary based on actual visit type and client taxation status used when adding charges.

  • Discounts: The procedure will be priced without any discounts for non-client specific calculations.
  • Taxes and Fees: The procedure will include all possible taxes and fees.


Keywordspricing, how, quote, procedure, charge,   Doc ID120206
OwnerTina O.GroupUofI College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital
Created2022-08-03 08:00:29Updated2024-07-29 14:18:27
SitesUniversity of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital
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