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SANDI - Estimates

Printing Notice: Estiamte printing is currently disabled within SANDI. This was a business decision at the hospital admin level because legal disclaimers within the Estimate and Treatment Authorization Form MUST accompany any printed material. This will be a future addition but it is unavailable now and an ETA has not been set.

Estimate Overview

Estimates can be produced in two ways in SANDI. 

1. Custom Estimate which allows entry of a Low/High dollar amount.
2. By adding anticipated charges to individual charge codes or packages.   We will explore both methods. 

The new Estimate module is located on the Patient Dashboard.


Estimate Box "Indicator" Colors

Blue - No estimates exist

Green - The open estimate is within 0-49.9% of the Low/High.

Yellow - The open estimate is within 50-79.9% of the Low/High and should be reviewed.

Red - The open estimate is over 80% of the Low/High and needs attention.

EstInfoBoxestgreen estyellow est red

Estimate information, including Green/Yellow/Red Estimate Indicators, are displayed within Charges.


Note: The Visit # in the Estimate must match the open Visit # in the Dashboard for all functionality to work.  If they do not match, color coding will now function and Low/High in Charges may not populate. 

Important Estimate Price Information

  • The Visit Type dictates if tax will be applied.  Furthermore, individual procedures can be exempt from tax.  Keep this in mind when reviewing prices. 
  • Any procedure with linked Expand (roll-in) procedures will include the roll-in procedure(s) price(s).

Create an Estimate

1. Select the Estimates information box on the Patient Dashboard


2. Select Add Estimate

Note: If there is an open visit the Create Estimate box will auto populate, if there is not an open visit, you will need to fill in the information.

Open Visit Image:


No Visit Image:


2. Select Create Estimate

Estimate Options


A - Add Custom Estimate - This allows the input of a Low/High dollar amount.

B - Add Estimate Procedure - This allows the entry of individual procedures. You can specify a Low or High quantity and the pricing will auto update.

C - Add Procedure Package - This allows the entry of procedure packages.  It works much like procedure packages in Charges and allows you to specify a Low or High quantity and the pricing will auto update.

Adding a Custom Estimate (Low/High)


    1 - Description - Enter the description of the estimate.  (This description is actually appears as the first procedure.)

    2 - Low Amount - The lowest monetary value of the estimate range. 

    3 - High Amount - The highest monetary value of the estimate range. 

    4 - Staff - Enter or search for the appropriate doctor. (This will auto populate if there is an open visit.)

    5 - Visit Type - Enter or search for the appropriate visit type. (This will auto populate if there is an open visit.)


    1. Enter your Estimate Description..
    2. Enter your estimated Low Amount.
    3. Enter your estimated High Amount.
    4. Select Add Estimate Item.


    Add Estimate Procedure (Adding Individual Procedure Codes)

        Adding individual procedures is basically like adding individual charges.  However, in Estimates you are able to edit the Low Qty, Low Price, High Qty and High Price within the line.  If you update the Qty the price will auto update.  The High Qty will equal the Low Qty until an item in the High Qty is increased or the High price is increased.

        1. Select Add Estimate Procedure.
        2. Add all of the charges you would like on the estimate.

        Example of Low/High Qty being equal:


        Example of a High Qty being increased. 


        Add Procedure Package

        Adding Procedure Packages to an Estimate is essentially the same as adding them in Charges.

        1 - Select Add Procedure Package and select your services packages. (We are using Oncology Worklists as our example.)

        2 - Select the package you want to add to the estimate. (We are using Onc biopsy 1)

        3 - Select all of the procedures you wish to include by checking the box to the right. You may change the Low & High quantities but the Price will NOT update here, it will update AFTER items are added to the Estimate.

        Note: Items that were defaulted to "always be included" will have a check by default. (If you would like to make changed to the items always included please email

        Expand Item Overview:

        • In the example below there is an expand item, under ONC82 ONC Biopsy 1
        • All items with the arrow (DX886, S9 and ONC30) automatically roll in anytime ONC82 is selected.  These items cannot be removed.


        4 - When finished select Submit Selected Procedures and they will be added to the estimate as shown below. 

        Note: The items that had an altered high quantity are added to the Estimate with the proper price. estprocpkgsubselected


        Edit or Delete an Estimate

            Editing an Estimate (Multiple Options)

            • You can change the Visit, Visit Type, Staff and Status by selecting Edit Estimate in the upper right corner. 
            • You can edit the estimate by selecting the edit icon editicon which allows you to edit every field of the estimate.
            • You can edit the Low Qty, Low price, High Qty and High price directly in the table. 

            Estimate List 

            If you select Back to Estimates it will list the estimate you just created.  From here you can add another or exit estimates.

            Important Note: While you may open as many estimates as you like, you can only have one (1) Estimate Open at time. Those not in Open Status will say Archived.  Archived Estimates can be edited and changed to Open at any time. 

            Example of an Open and Archived Estimate:


            Delete an Estimate

            There is NO security on estimates. If you select the delete icon delx the following warning will appear. If you select Submit, the estimate will be deleted. 


            Keywordsestimate, price, pricing, code   Doc ID122728
            OwnerTina O.GroupUofI College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital
            Created2022-11-29 09:13:32Updated2024-05-01 10:51:55
            SitesUniversity of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital
            Feedback  0   0