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SANDI Lab Requisitions - Ordering Veterinary Diagnostic Lab (VDL) COFL and Internal labs (IDEXX, Nova)

On October 1st, the VDL will implement a new Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS,) to replace their current VADDS system, called CoreOne for Labs (COFL). SANDI has been updated to allow VDL ordering through the Labs module in SANDI. There will be an additional button, beside IDEXX, that will present you with the COFL ordering screen.

The VDL will be going live with their new lab system, COFL, in mid to late October and SANDI submission procedures will also change.

SANDI Test application (In the Test application you can request tests, see resulting, etc. with not effect on production SANDI data.)

Labs Information Box Overview


The Labs info box contains all labs, VDL, and VTH internal, and is scrollable.

How VDL results display

These results will start with VDL.

How internal (Nova, IDEXX, etc.) results are displayed

All other results are VTH internal lab results. 


How to request VDL/COFL test(s) in SANDI

Placing an Order in Labs

1. From the Patient Dashboard, select the Labs Module arrow.

2. Select Create VDL Order

3. The VDL CoreOne for Labs (COFL) order screen will appear.

1. Current Patient information will auto-populate, review it for accuracy.

2. Patient Mapping will be auto-populated in most cases. If it is NOT ensure Sex and Breed is selected.

3. Visit and Staff information will auto-populate with the current open visit data. If these are not populated, make the proper selection in the drop-down list.

4. Patient History can be populated with free form type OR you can attach a PDF. 

IMPORTANT Patient History Info: You CANNOT type patient history and attach a PDF, you MUST do one or the other as the VDL system does not allow both.

5. Lab Selection is where you search and select the available test to add to your order.

4. Select the Lab Section and specific Lab test from the dropdowns.


5. Once the Lab section and Test is selected, a Schedule box will appear detailing when the test can be performed and the turnaround time for the test.

6. Verify that all information is complete and select Submit

Note: Go to the SANDI Labs Module to print a specimen label.

How to request IDEXX test(s) in SANDI, run and access results (Start here: Follow these steps in order.)

IMPORTANT: IDEXX lab orders MUST be created in SANDI BEFORE submitting the test on the lab instrument.  Failure to request in SANDI first will result in unmatched tests which will require manual mapping.

Step 1: In the Labs Information Box, select VTH

Step 2: Select Create IDEXX Order

Step 3: Select the correct IDEXX instrument and Staff.

Note: SANDI automatically pulls the visits coordinating doctor. If needed, Staff can be changed.

Step 4: Select Submit and the IDEXX selection screen appears. The lab order will show as “Createdâ€Â in SANDI

Note: At this point, SANDI does a seamless handoff and you are in the IDEXX ordering system.

Step 5: Select the test(s) you want to run and they will be listed in the right panel. 

Note: You can find orders by species from the drop-down and save favorites by selecting the Star next to the test.

Step 6: Changing the Veterinarian here does change SANDI Lab data. It is simply an indicator within the IDEXX Screens. 

Step 7: Select Order and the order will be sent to the IDEXX instrument.

Step 8: You can now go to the IDEXX instrument select your patient/test(s) insert your sample and run it.

Select Test to run on IDEXX instrument

Step 1: Go to the IDEXX instrument and find the test you just requested in SANDI under the Pending column.

Step 2: Select your test and then select Run (lower left).

Step 3: Review and Confirm Life Stage selections. Select the instrument (bottom of the screen) that will run the test.  

Step 4: Follow the instructions to insert the sample and start the test. Results will automatically upload to SANDI.


VTH Internal Lab Results and Graphs (IDEXX and VDL COFL)

SANDI Lab Status and Results Overview

Lab Created

  • IDEXX - The status confirms the order is created in SANDI and sent to the IDEXX instrument. etc. 
  • VDL - The VDL does NOT use this status. 

Note: IDEXX tests can only be edited while in the Created status. 

Lab Submitted

  • IDEXX - This status means the test is pending selection on the IDEXX instrument.
    • It may take 2-3 minutes to appear the instrument.
  • VDL - This status means the test has been sent to the VDL system.
    • Note: VDL tests cannot be edited after submission.  Any changes must be coordinated directly with the VDL.

Lab Complete

  • IDEXX and VDL - The test has completed running on the IDEXX instrument or the VDL has submitted results that are now viewable in SANDI.

Lab Canceled 

  • IDEXX - Test canceled only applies to unsubmitted tests. NO other status can be Canceled and they drop off the list after seven (7) days.
  • VDL - The VDL does NOT use this status.

SANDI Actions

Print Specimen Label - VDL ONLY  

Edit: Shows detailed results listing, including past result list and graph(s). (You can edit before a test is submitted.)

View: Allows viewing of the provided report via your browser.

Delete: Removes the test Results. You can only delete a test before submission.

Report: the provided report in PDF format and allows for printing if desired.

Charges NOT entered: SANDI: checks to ensure that charges are entered for the tests run. It will flag the uncharged test(s) with a red exclamation mark. Enter charges, then return, select the Edit icon, and add the correct visit.

Unmatched Results - This happens if the IDEXX instrument does not have a way to associate the test with the visit automatically.  When this happens the tests must be matched manually within the lab module.  

Edit Screen


Results will display values for all tests that were run.  If a value is empty the test was not run.

Test Reference Ranges

The test reference ranges are set as the baseline for the lower and upper normal results.

  • Low - This is the lowest point of a normal result.
  • High - This is the highest point of a normal result.
  • Alert - This indicates that a result falls outside of the normal result range and should be studied further. 

Past Results

Past Results, if prior tests have been run, will display, newest to oldest, in column format.  If a value is empty the test was not run.

Results Graph

When multiple results are available, the results graph will include red baselines indicating the test's reference ranges (low/high) s shown below.

If tests are unmatched or there is no data in between test points there will be no result line nor red reference range lines.  

Email Lab Result Notifications

Email notifications will be sent when Lab results are completed or canceled. (The VDL does not provide partial results/updates.)

  1. Email notifications will be sent to the Coordinating Doctor on the visit listed in the test request. HOWEVER. you can override the doctor at the test request level.
  2. The Subject will include the patient and test names.
  3. There will be a direct link to the patient's dashboard in SANDI.


Keywordsorder. lab result, coreone, cofl, vdl, vadds, histo, mole, clin path, viro, vdl   Doc ID141185
OwnerTina O.GroupUofI College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital
Created2024-08-14 15:41:13Updated2024-10-04 08:37:31
SitesUniversity of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital
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