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Canvas@Illinois, General LTI Integrations

This document details the procedures and requirements when requesting a new LTI or other integration external to the Canvas@Illinois Service.

Vendor Risk Assessment Process
Accessibility Review Process
Current LTIs
Disallowed LTIs

Canvas General LTI Integration Requirements

Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) is a specification for learning technology/event standards maintained by the IMS Global Learning Consortium, to seamlessly integrate an external (vended) learning application into their courses. This includes a standard protocol for establishing a trusted relationship between the tool provider and the Leaning Management System (LMS), allowing students and teachers to have a seamless, integrated experience when using the tool within the course environment. To facilitate this process Privacy/Security and Governance have been engaged to assist with review and rating of any integration to be used with any Learning Management System (such as Canvas@Illinois).

Why is this necessary now?

In the past, the universitys third-party solutions received a cursory review prior to deployment within an LMS. But over the past few years, the university has been operating under a State of Illinois audit finding that we have not been properly vetting third party service providers before allowing them access to restricted university data, such as student education records. For this reason all third-party contracts receive this newer, more extensive review.

The Process:

To get started with your own learning integration, please request a vendor risk assessment here:

In addition to a written statement of use, the following items may be required when requesting a vended learning integration:

  • Contact(s) within the requesting department or unit

  • Copy of contract or agreement between the integration provider and University representative

    • This can be an instructor, purchasing representative, or anyone with the authority to enact a contract with a content provider

    • Please include proof of payment if this is a paid service

    • Costs that may be required by the student or end user in order to access vended/integrated content

  • Technical and support contact(s) for the integration provider

  • Target service for installation (ex: Canvas)

  • Installation/setup method/documentation

    • Including connection method (usually provided in the form of key/secret and connection URL)

  • End-user support contact and documentation, including escalation path and self-help support documentation (to be added to this Knowledge Base)

  • Accessibility statement or certification (ex:  WCAG 2.x, VPAT)

  • Security statement or certification (ex:  SOC2)

    • Also, any University-specific user, program or course-specific information that will be shared with integration

    • Statement of vendor data stewardship, if available

  • Signed FERPA addendum:

Following a successful risk review, the LTI is subject to an accessibility review. Accessibility resources:

IT Accessibility Policy

Campus Administrative Manual Policy

US Federal Section 508

State of IL IITAA Standards

Approval Process for Third-Party Learning Management System Integrations

As with all software used on campus, the campus accessibility policy (CAM HR-86) requires that all information and computing technology (ICT) utilized by the university be accessible to those with disabilities. The learning management systems (LMS) the university uses have been evaluated and found to offer an accessible platform from which to build online course content, so one may confidently build online content there. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for any third-party application, or LTI (Learning Tool Interoperability) that is integrated into an LMS. LTIs have been found to frequently introduce access barriers for individuals with disabilities. Because of this, each LTI must be reviewed for accessibility prior to use.

LTI Approval Process

The following flow diagram illustrates where the accessibility review occurs in the overall Canvas@Illinois LTI approval process.

LTI workflow diagram

As the diagram above shows, the Canvas LTI workflow has four phases indicated by columns running left to right: Getting Started, Vendor Risk Review, Accessibility Review, and Approved Use.

Phase 1: Getting Started

In the Getting Started phase, the requestor first checks the list of approved LTIs which appears on the lower half of the General LTI Integrations page. If the LTI is not listed, the requester needs to complete the Vendor Risk Assessment Form.

Phase 2: Vendor Risk Assessment

In phase two, the vendor risk assessment form is reviewed. If the vendor risk assessment meets university requirements, the requestor needs to contact the Canvas Service Owner to start the accessibility review process, and the LTI is approved for further review and testing. If the vendor risk assessment does not meet university requirements, a risk acceptance process can be followed to pursue the use of non-compliant software. Please contact  to initiate this follow-up review.

Phase 3: Accesibility Review

In the third phase of LTI approval, the requested LTI undergoes an accessibility review to determine if the LTI conforms with federal and state accessibility laws. If no accessibility issues are found, the requested LTI is approved and can be used. If accessibility issues are found, the requestor will be notified that an approved accessibility exception will be needed in order for the LTI to be used on campus. At this point, the requestor may pursue an accessibility exception request or find an alternative LTI that may be more accessible.

Phase 4: Exception and Approval

If the vendor can address the issues identified in the ccessibility review, the requested LTI can be used after a second accessibility evaluation verifies the issues are resolved. If the accessibility issues cannot be resolved, an Exception Request Form must be submitted with an alternate access plan (see article: Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Alternate Access Plans) to the Technology Accessibility Review Committee (TARC) which reviews and approves digital accessibility exception requests for campus.

Important: to see (and use) the "Request an Exception" link, you must first log in to the Exceptions page with your NetID and AD password using the link at the bottom of the page. The Exceptions page also provides an Alternative Access Plan Template that must be submitted as part of the exception request.

To receive an exception approval, the following conditions must be met:

    • No product with greater accessibility is available. Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 USC § 794d), requires the university to procure the most accessible product if more than one is available that meets business needs and no fully accessible product is available.

    • An accessible alternative access plan (AAP) has been created that will provide a substantially equivalent and timely alternative way to access the information or experience that the inaccessible software does not allow. It is the application requestor's responsibility to devise and document the AAP. The TARC will work with the exception requestor(s) to ensure their AAP is sufficient to provide access and to determine how long the exception is needed.

Once the exception request and alternate access plan have been submitted, the TARC will review the exception request to determine if the LTI can be used. If the exception request is denied, there is a chance to appeal; however, appeal decisions are final. If the application is not granted an exception after an appeal, it may not be used for university business.

Any identified issue with any of these reviews may be cause to disallow the integration within the Canvas@Illinois environment.

What if I would like my integration deployed to all courses in Canvas?

Departments have full permission to deploy any approved integration within their dedicated departmental sub-account in Canvas. However, there may be a desire to share an integration across all courses. This is known as installing at the "institution level", and requires a number of extra checks to evaluate need, usefulness, support options, etc. The process picks up following all previous evaluations and any accessibility/usability paperwork and/or AAP, and includes input from these additional groups:
  • Enterprise Learning Technologies group
  • Canvas Steering Committee
  • Instructional Group of Educational Technologies (iGET)

     Following presentation to these groups, and including any comment or input, the integration goes to the Provost office for the final determination on institutional academic placement in Canvas.

How long can I expect this review to take?

Depending on resources, vendor response, and many other factors, the full process can take 3 to 6 months from the initial request. Following the vendor risk review, the installation will first take place on a development environment for detailed accessibility and usability testing, and to ensure the LTI integration performs/behaves as expected without affecting other courses or integrated systems. This also allows additional departments time for a detailed evaluation within the Canvas@Illinois environment. Following the full review process and approval(s), the integration will be scheduled for deployment within the specified sub-account on the production environment.

Note: Some LTIs may require additional payment by the student in order to fully take advantage of the vended integration. It is recommended that the course instructor(s) research and provide this information up front, such as part of the syllabus and/or course listing.

Alternative Access Plans for LTI Integrations

The following KnowledgeBase Article provides insight into what Alternative Access Plans are for LTI integrations in Canvas: Canvas@Illinois, Alternative Access Plans for LTI Integrations.

Current LTI Availability

table of allowed and in-review integrations for Canvas
Name Owner / Provider Integrated Services Status Support
Canvas Badges
(formerly Badgr)
Technology Services Canvas@Illinois Generally Available Support provided within the Canvas Help Portal
Cengage Learning Mindlinks Technology Services Canvas@Illinois Generally Available
CIP Courses * Technology Services Canvas@Illinois KIN 199 only
CIDILabs DesignPlus * Technology Services Canvas@Illinois Generally Available
Echo360 Veterinary Medicine Canvas@Illinois VetMed courses only - Tier 1:
- Tier 2: Support provided by VetMed for their program(s)
EvaluationKIT Gies College of Business Canvas@Illinois BUS courses only Support provided by Gies for their program(s)
EXAMIND Gies College of Business Canvas@Illinois BUS courses only Support provided by Gies for their program(s)
Gradescope * College of Engineering Canvas@Illinois

- ENGR courses
- MATH courses

- (ENGR only)
- Illinois KB Articles for Gradescope
- Gradescope Help Center 

iClicker - Technology Services
- Canvas@Illinois
- Learn@Illinois Moodle
Generally Available - Moodle:
- Other:
Kaltura/Illinois Mediaspace Technology Services - Canvas@Illinois
- Learn@Illinois Moodle
Generally Available - Moodle:
- Other:
LinkedIn Learning Technology Services Canvas@Illinois Generally Available
MacMillan Learning Technology Services - Canvas@Illinois Generally Available
McGraw-Hill Technology Services - Canvas@Illinois
- Learn@Illinois Moodle
Generally Available

- Moodle:
- Faculty hotline: 866-344-2065
- Student: 800-331-5094

Moodle LAS Canvas@illinois LAS courses only
myBusinessCourse LTI 1.3 Gies College of Business Canvas@Illinois BUS courses only
NetTutor * Student Affairs Canvas@Illinois Generally Available
813-674-0660 ext 204
OneDrive (Office365 collab) Technology Services Canvas@Illinois Generally Available
Packback Questions Technology Services - Canvas@Illinois
- Learn@Illinois Moodle
Generally Available
- Canvas:
- Moodle:
Pearson Access Technology Services - Canvas@Illinois
- Learn@Illinois Moodle
Generally Available
Peerceptiv Gies College of Business Canvas@Illinois BUS courses only Support provided by Gies for their program(s)
Perusall * College of LAS Canvas@Illinois - LAS courses
- AHS courses
Piazza * College of Engineering Canvas@Illinois ENGR courses only Support provided by Engineering for their program(s)
PlayPosit College of LAS Learn@Illinois Moodle GEO/BIO Courses Only
Pope Tech Technology Services Canvas@Illinois Generally Available
Prairielearn * College of Engineering Canvas@Illinois Engineering, LAS and LIS courses only Support provided by Engineering for their program(s)
ProctorU Technology Services - Canvas@Illinois
- Learn@Illinois Moodle
Generally Available
ReadyGo (CIDI Labs) Gies College of Business Canvas@Illinois BUS Courses only Support provided by Gies for their program(s)
RedShelf * as "Day1 Access Course Materials" Provost Office Canvas@Illinois Generally Available
SensusAccess DRES Canvas@Illinois DRES Courses Support provided by DRES for their program(s)
TimelyGrader Gies College of Business Canvas@Illinois BUS Courses only Support provided by Gies for their program(s)
TurnItIn * Technology Services - Canvas@Illinois
- Learn@Illinois Moodle
Generally Available
Vista Higher Learning * College of LAS Canvas@Illinois French/Italian Language Courses Support provided by LAS for their program(s)
Vocareum Gies College of Business Canvas@Illinois BUS courses only Support provided by Gies for their program(s)
W. W. Norton Technology Services - Canvas@Illinois
- Learn@Illinois Moodle
Generally Available
Yellowdig Gies College of Business Canvas@Illinois BUS courses only  Support provided by Gies for their program(s)
Zoom Meetings Technology Services - Canvas@Illinois
- Learn@Illinois Moodle
Generally Available  - Canvas:
- Moodle:

    * integration did not fully pass accessibility assessment and requires annual review by the TARC

LTI and Integrations That Have Failed a Review

Canvas integrations that have failed a review and have no exception or alternate access plan on file with the TARC
Name Requesting Department Reason (most recent review)
Accredible Gies College of Business Failed accessibility review (May, 2023)
ALEKS Chemistry Failed accessibility review (August, 2023)
Blended Teaching Gies College of Business Failed accessibility review (January, 2025)
Blue by Explorance LAS Failed accessibility review (May, 2024)
CG Scholar EPOL Failed accessibility review (April, 2023)
Class for Zoom Gies College of Business Failed accessibility review (February, 2024)
Cognella AHS Failed accessibility review (January, 2024)
CourseKata STAT Failed accessibility review (January, 2024)
Digication Kora LAS Failed accessibility review (January, 2024)
ExamSoft College of Medicine Failed accessibility review (April, 2024)
Exprep Gies College of Business Failed accessibility review (January, 2025)
Feedback Fruits Gies College of Business Failed accessibility review (March, 2023)
FlexEd Coursework - Junction Education LAS Failed accessibility review (December, 2022)
H5P Linguistics Failed accessibility review (November, 2023)
Inscribe Gies College of Business Failed accessibility review (January, 2025)
Kritik Gies College of Business Failed accessibility review (September, 2023)
Labflow by Catalyst Chemistry Failed accessibility review (February, 2023)
Lucid Chart/Spark Technology Services Failed accessibility review (November, 2024)
MatLab Technology Services Failed accessibility review (December, 2024)
Prairielearn College of Engineering Failed accessibility review (June, 2024)
Top Hat FSHN Failed accessibility review (September, 2023)

How can I get my LTI re-evaluated for accessibility?

If your LTI or vended integration/service was disallowed due to accessibility issues, it can be re-evaluated. However, if the previous review was done within the last year the vendor will have to provide documentation that previously identified deficiencies have been resolved. This is best done by listing each issue in a spreadsheet along with a column that clearly states how the individual issue was mitigated by the vendor. The re-evaluation will be prioritized by the Accessibility Group based on their available resources.

lti integration illinois canvas lms interoperability uiuc accessibility review lightweight risk grc 
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Owned by:
Mark R. in University of Illinois Technology Services
University of Illinois Technology Services