Results: 1-20 of 24

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
2iSchool Classroom, LIS 1261290022024-03-15499
3Introduction to HTML1293482023-07-25407
4How to adjust screen scale and layout (Windows)1292372023-07-21477
5How to Adjust Screen Scale and Layout (Mac)1292362023-07-21421
6Zoom: Creating a Session for Online Courses1248782024-02-13704
7iSchool Classroom, LIS 531290192024-01-09401
8iSchool Classroom, LIS 1311290082024-01-09400
9iSchool Classroom, LIS 461290032024-01-09379
10iSchool Classroom, LIS 12A1289792024-01-09479
11iSchool Classroom, LIS 2421290262024-01-09381
12MS Word: Accessibility Best Practices1248852024-03-20482
13MS Powerpoint: Accessibility Best Practices1248082024-01-09682
14iSchool Conference Room, 4043/4045 (Multipurpose Room)1299802023-11-30492
15Zoom: Breakout Rooms1266742023-11-30698
16Canvas: Navigation Basics1248362023-11-16710
17iSchool Conference Room, 51161299982023-07-27345
18iSchool Conference Room, 41651299972023-07-27462
19iSchool Conference Room, 40311299702023-07-27456
20iSchool Conference Room, 40351299792023-07-27353
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